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Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
What part of him is G1 Scourge-inspired?

Maybe it's just me, but the head/face feels G1-Scourge-y, along with the claws. It's definitely not a 1:1 Scourge by any means, just sort of a "vibe," I guess. The kind of knight-looking head/neck armor and monstery-bits feel a bit like they were inspired by the vampire-like G1 Scourge.

But again, I could be way off base on that.
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Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
Not TMM's fault original Megs' legs look like he got squashed down with a mallet, Looney Tunes style.


Flamboyant Cuddles!!!
Maybe it's just me, but the head/face feels G1-Scourge-y, the claws. It's definitely not a 1:1 Scourge by any means, just sort of a "vibe," I guess. The kind of knight-looking head/neck armor and mostery-bits feel a bit like they were inspired by the vampire-like G1 Scourge.

But again, I could be way off base on that.
Yeah G1 Scourge has as much in common with RiD Scourge as he does with ROTB Scourge so.🤷🏻‍♀️


Flamboyant Cuddles!!!
Found a way to store ROTB mainline Cheetor’s tail on his back, with or without his gut blaster also stored on his back. It’s admittedly kinda rinky-dink, but surprisingly secure due to how stiff the joints of his cheetah front legs are. And it’s kinda clean storage too.




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