Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!


Flamboyant Cuddles!!!


Continuity Nutcase
My haul from BotCon:



BotCon 2023 BeastBox exclusives: Dinoforce: Cauldron of Fire; attendee freebie Snarliehog

BotCon 2023 BeastDrive exclusives: Scales, Rodimouse (souvenirs); Velasa Raptor, Night Glider (attendee freebies)

BotCon 2023 other exclusives: Early-bird registration pin, BotCon Unlimited issue #2 (attendee freebie), Scott McNeil Beast Wars art print (attendee freebie, unsigned)

Beast Wars: McDonalds Happy Meal Transmetal Blackarachnia (loose), Beast Wars Universe guidebook (reprint)

Robots in Disguise (2001): Tow-Line (loose)

OTFCC 2003 Universe exclusives: Sideswipe (packaged), Sunstreaker (packaged)

BotCon 2005 exclusive: Descent into Evil (packaged)

Beast Wars Telemocha Series: Rhinox (packaged)

Henkei! Henkei!: Cyclonus w/ Nightstick (loose)

BotCon 2010 exclusive: Land Shark/Air Shark/Sea Shark Sharkticon 3-pack (packaged)

Campaign items: Vector Oracle (packaged), Mito Prime's Town Matrix (packaged)

Combiner Wars: Prowl (loose)

Adventure: Override (loose), Runabout (loose)

Earthrise: Soundbarrier ×11 (packaged)

And two more packaged items that were acquired during BotCon but not purchased from the dealer room:

Kingdom: Golden Disk Collection Puffer and Road Ranger (purchased from the Toys R Us at the American Dream mall where BotCon was held)

Rise of the Beasts: Yolopark AMK Series Optimus Primal model kit (won in a raffle at the Cyberverse Q&A panel)
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Well-known member
I mean, they are all Scott McNeil reason to give Silverbolt the boot.


Continuity Nutcase
Yeah, like, why wouldn't the artist include every Scott McNeil Beast Wars character?


Wondering bot
Wheeljack "All I need now is, the gimzo and then I can do my best human impression!!"

Ratchet "I get the feeling I'll regret letting you do that impression when the moment comes!"

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