Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!


NOT a New Member.
My Christmas gift wasn't as cool as yours...



...even Team Whirl.
Psycho! I still have mine from when I was a kid. Doesn't stand up well, but looks cool on the shelf in his sci-fi car mode.


Flamboyant Cuddles!!!
I dunno, y’all. I see all the YT reviewers shitting on this guy but IMO I think he’s one of the more dynamic Soundwave figs to-date. Yeah, he’s got a backpack, but for all the hate fans acting like he be the first TF to ever have a backpack.🙄 It doesn’t hinder poseability at ALL, which can’t be said for some other Soundwave figures and other character figures with even smaller backpacks.

No, he doesn’t have chest minion capabilities or even compatibility with any other line chest minion features, but instead of rating him on what he isn’t, what he is is a good solid figure that’s dynamic-looking, fully poseable, fun AF to transform, got all his basic accessories (sans minions), and is a fantastic update to all the G1-a-fied “van mode” versions of Soundwave out there.

I’m repurposing him for all the continuities that have a van mode Soundwave with figs that suck (which is every single van mode Soundwave until this one).😝
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Wondering bot
I have that Soundwave, currently stood on the mouse mat next to me, with BB behind him, SS is off in Jetmode over on the printer, while OP is hanging out in truck mode with Planet X Dinobots and Legacy Tiger Hawk


Flamboyant Cuddles!!!



This is truly the best version of WINGblade (👹) of all time. Fantastic update. Rock-solid in both modes. Still keeps her lithe aesthetic but no longer feels as fragile as all her other past iterations. And of course all the posing and the detailing. Best figure to start off 2024 with fs.😍
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Wondering bot
If that Windblade was done in the paint job of her first toy, I would buy it, I'm just not a fan of that paint job, thus the only Windblade figure in my collection is the first toy, at least what I consider Windblade, I do have the grey verison which I prefer to by another name


Flamboyant Cuddles!!!
If that Windblade was done in the paint job of her first toy, I would buy it, I'm just not a fan of that paint job, thus the only Windblade figure in my collection is the first toy, at least what I consider Windblade, I do have the grey verison which I prefer to by another name
YMMV, but I prefer a Windblade that holds together in both modes worth a damn, doesn’t have a gaping hole in its torso, and doesn’t feel like any one of its limbs would snap off if I breathe on it wrong. I’d take something boringly-painted but solid over an ornately-painter paper crane any day.

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