I dunno, y’all. I see all the YT reviewers shitting on this guy but IMO I think he’s one of the more dynamic Soundwave figs to-date. Yeah, he’s got a backpack, but for all the hate fans acting like he be the first TF to ever have a backpack.

It doesn’t hinder poseability at ALL, which can’t be said for some other Soundwave figures and other character figures with even smaller backpacks.
No, he doesn’t have chest minion capabilities or even compatibility with any other line chest minion features, but instead of rating him on what he isn’t, what he
is is a good solid figure that’s dynamic-looking, fully poseable, fun AF to transform, got all his basic accessories (sans minions), and is a fantastic update to all the G1-a-fied “van mode” versions of Soundwave out there.
I’m repurposing him for all the continuities that have a van mode Soundwave with figs that suck (which is every single van mode Soundwave until this one).