I’ve heard Tigerhawks’s transformation be described as “chaotic”. I say, bring-it-the-eff-on, because that’s how transformations are supposed to be! Or at least, the way this guy transforms, his transformation engineering and scheme
appears chaotic with pieces seemingly exploding everywhere, but whereby it is in fact quite controlled.
For one, there are absolutely NO flopping or floppy bits whatsoever. The joint tolerances on every, single, piece that moves are SUPER tight, and can be positioned in any position along its range of motion w/o it flopping out of place and continuously smacking into other chunks or pieces while you are attempting to convert them. This extends to the articulation, which is very stable.
Second, the order of operations are very logical and definitive, and CLEAR, given the contrast in the coloring of the pieces and also in the engineering and molding, but is flexible enough so you don’t have to transform it EXACTLY the same way every time for it to become too boring to continue fiddling with.
And speaking of fiddling, there is virtually absolutely NO fiddle factor with this guy. Everything pegs into place when you want it to, and there’s no working at or finagling to get a piece in when you need it to go where it needs to go.
Also, all accessories are fully integrated, in that you don’t need to partsform ANYTHING to transform it, including the weapons. Which I ESPECIALLY LOVE a TF that I don’t have to remove any of its weapons or any other pieces of it to transform it.
And finally, chef’s kiss, this thing is so complex, but not in THAT way; a way that is satisfying w/o me wanting to chuck it into a wall (like the MP Trainbots; effing die in a fire, stupid stupid Trainbots).
This is my most fav Transformer to-date. I thought MP Bonecrusher would be it for a hot minute, except it’s too damn big and heavy to handle (for me), and it’s got a buncha floppy bits that swing down to pinch the jive outta my fingers every 30 seconds, or snap off and fly across the room (thanks, bigass arm thing), and it doesn’t store all its accessories.
Anyway, the semblance of chaos, but it just being controlled chaos the entire way; that’s the experience I want transforming a Transformer. So highly recommend this thing I can’t even.
I plan to stop simping on this guy eventually. Just not today.