Plus if you get him, you can make your own Mime Time comics!
Meanwhile... bit of a throwback.
This was from a while back, before the MP redeco even got a name. I'm kind of over how fiddly the T30 mold is, and am looking forward to the chonky Legacy one. I've since replaced the lower legs with ones from a new fodder Crosscut that didn't have scary creaky stuck joints... and then the original's started working a bit better, so now rather than toss it I'm trying to turn the "new" copy into a Screech.
Not a total success, but some pleasant surprises. Some unpleasant ones too. I've come to dislike things about this mold despite an earlier appreciation for it.

(My phone surprised me by getting the color so rich.)
Funny enough, the scary tight knees cooperated well this time around. Maybe they loosened up, or maybe they're about to break for real. We'll see.
The real problem came when I forgot how I did Reboost, and tried to pull the arms out of the chest (I think for Reboost I just masked the hell out of the chest and left the arm posts plugged in). Left arm actually got out ok, but the right arm post... Broke. Managed to glue it together, but it didn't hold up once reinserted (couple of shoulder turns for posing broke it in the same place again). Currently reglued, waiting to see if I'll be able to find another junker with an intact arm.
On top of that, I just could not figure out how the hell to reassemble the springs in the right way to restore the spring-loaded shoulder guns. On Screech they keep wanting to spring back off the shoulders to hang in midair. I've reassembled it like a dozen times with the spring ends in the only two holes they can go in, keep getting the same thing. I am this close to just ditching the spring and making it a manual action, or maybe he just doesn't use them ever. So annoying.
(I also discovered I'd neutered Reboost's shoulder guns by losing the OTHER damn spring, which goes with the tab holding the guns in place. And I'd reassembled him wrong too last time, so had to do it all again just to get the guns in the right orientation. I'm a sloppy worker and a fool.)
I'm totally ready for the simpler WFC ish take on Skids in Legacy. I'm not even very attached to the MTMTE "I'm an improbably supercool popular fighter but decided to get myself killed because I got friendzoned" iteration this mold is inspired by. I dig the horribly beweaponed robot mode, and view it as a throwback to the days when they could afford to put that much in a deluxe. But the rough experience of customizing these, and the basic difficulty of getting him to stand even with the correct hip assembly and forward-tilted knees (because he lacks heels and his ankle rockers are... Backwards?), have really worn off the shine of this mold.

It... DOES look pretty dang good just standing there though (when it deigns to stand properly).
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