Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!


NOT a New Member.
What is that toy? That robot mode has a lot of personality.
It's from a line of (official?) semi-ko toys in China. They all basically look ok and are fairly sturdy but some suffer from odd transformations (copied from TF Prime and CW figures) and can't pose that well. They're full of character though. My one has floppy, back heavy "wings" that impede his balance and poseability and I have to take the head off and store it (unofficially) under the alt-mode in a spare crevice, lest it stick up with "visible head syndrome".

Still, all of these things, for me, lend themselves to some sort of old, decrepid, conniving, sychophantic and physically weak transformer (TF Prime Starscream meets powerful business/political leader). A corrupt Bishop (look at his head/"hat") or government official, if you will. I think his alt mode looks a lightly armoured limousine that business leaders or government officials might travel in?
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Well-known member
I looked up pictures of the alt mode with the head on, and it really isn't that bad. It's got kind of a BM Vehicon vibe.


Well-known member
That was part of the design ethos of the BM Vehicons. They owned the planet. They didn't care if you could see their heads and faces, they weren't transforming to hide.


Continuity Nutcase
Yeah, the Vehicons were vehicles with heads/faces in place of their cockpits/driver's seats.

All except for Scavenger. His excavator mode placed his head/face on his shovel while still having a separate driver's compartment.


Well-known member
Actually while the shovel had chomping jaws, the driver's compartment was still meant to be Scavenger's "head" in vehicle mode since they put lightpiping there.

Master Fwiffo

Active member
Damn straight. Well, the "live" version of Buttercup there is a Zuru 5 Surprise Dinosaur, but it fits in pretty good with the real thing.
I miss my Dinoriders. I was far too young for them and absolutely destroyed them, and now I have none.

I keep eyeing complete ones on Ebay and thinking hard about it.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
I miss my Dinoriders. I was far too young for them and absolutely destroyed them, and now I have none.

I keep eyeing complete ones on Ebay and thinking hard about it.

I was a fan of anything involving dinosaurs and sci-fi, so I loved me some Dino Riders. I've lost the majority of the armor over the years, but I still have most of my dinosaurs and figures.

I got lucky at an estate sale last week and found a working Tyrannosaurus, Diplodocus, and a Dimetrodon, though all were missing their accessories. I went on Ebay to look for the missing parts and was shocked at what Dino Riders stuff sells for these days.

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