Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

Platypus Prime

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Ever since the whole Legacy Blitzwing thing blew up last week, my TR figure has kinda been hogging my attention, and reminding me how much I still like it.

View attachment 5439

I kinda wish the Titan Master had a better place to hang out here, though I suppose I could just leave it attached to the back.

View attachment 5438

The jet mode is FAR more successful than Legacy's (in my subjective opinion).

View attachment 5436

Robot mode does the job. Articulation could be better, but it's far from terrible.

View attachment 5437
I never really noticed how heavily the paint was applied to the head until today.

And, yeah, the LG figure is better in the deco department, but for the cost, this works fine - though maybe I'll Toyhax it up like I did for Megatron.
The Takara version is still, IMO, the best CHUG Blitzwing overall. I've had a look at him recently but I've been playing with the TT "Archforce" remold/recolour (and I'm adding some extra painted details, which I'll post here when it's done).

Archforce is great because it's purple colour matches a number of other purple Titanmasters, such as Hasbro Blitzwing, mini-Apeface, Trypticon's Titanmaster, etc.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
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Love these two, I just wish the Targetmasters fit their vehicle modes better.

...not that I have the Targetmaster versions, but that's part of why. The other reason being I have the US ones and couldn't afford fancy imports at the time.
The Targetmasters, to my knowledge, aren't actually meant for them; they're meant for existing/still to come original G1 Targetmasters, right?


Flamboyant Cuddles!!!

I kid you not - this is 100% true; I swear on my marriage, my other partnership, and both my careers: my husband found this in the washing machine after doing a load of pants. 🤣

(Art imitates life and all that.😂)


Olde-Timey Member
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Council of Elders
I just got mine, too! Along with him and the Lift Ticket I bought from ChessPieceFace, I put together a quick "Team Diaclone" picture:


Edit: It's a combination of Diaclone's limited color palette as well and my limited amount of Diaclone-reference Transformers, but I love the unified color scheme of this team. Everyone is red, silver, black, white, and navy blue in varying proportions with occasional yellow highlights.


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Continuity Nutcase
Have their been any rumors of a new Crosscut from the Legacy Skids mold?


Olde-Timey Member
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Council of Elders
Why not pick up Legacy Lift-ticket?

I just like the look of the old Thrilling 30 mold, and ChessPieceFace happened to be selling one.

I updated my Trailbreaker, since I think the new toy looks more like Trailbreaker, but I stuck with the old mold for Hoist and now Lift Ticket. Nothing wrong with the new one, I just didn't feel as strong a need to update.


Wondering bot
I'm still passing on that Jacky, just don't like the headscuplt, its just ugly much like a lot of the BB movie figure heads, far to much detail for my liking!


Flamboyant Cuddles!!!

Am I the only one who’s not a big fan of this guy? I mean, he looks great at certain angles, but the proportions on him are, like sooo… off. Like, his arms are set too far back on his torso, his head even more so. It’s strange to say, and I hate saying it, but I prefer the original version of this mold. Like, every remake of this mold has been a janky fail IMO. I remember the sheer perfection of the RiD Scourge version of this mold. One of my favorite toys ever to this day. He was sturdy, poseable, didn’t get in his own way, and was packed full of fun gimmicks. This Prime has got… so much less accessories, and so much more hindering kibble. Like, yeah, why his shoulders hurt, cus they do; they really really do.


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Council of Elders
14 years apart: got the bulks from this set sometime in 2008, and finally tracked down this set for a great price so I could get the Mini-Cons. Will likely try and sell the bulk partners, who are now doubles.

I miss this toyline.

Now I just need Swerve and (mainly) Roadhandler. And a stupidly large sum of money so I can try and get the canceled Smokescreen/Drench set, but even the former is already a daunting task these days.

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