Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla

The current Core class figures work really well with older playsets. From left to right, we have a Renegade Thruster, Trypticon, Thruster, Diarobo gas station base, Guardian Command Center, Machine Robo Battle Base, Command Center, Omega Supreme, Androform Andro-base, and Machine Robo Rescue Wing Liner. Populated with figures from Gobots, Transformers, Diarobo, Zybots, Converters, Convertabots, Gyrozetter, Mugenbine, Robo-Rods, and a couple I don't quite remember the names of. I wish Hasbro would put more effort into this scale...


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Thanks! I had to take advantage of a weekend when the wife and kid were away so I could invade the living room. I tried to get a lot of fun little groupings in there, and also representations of as many eras as I could. Still left lots out, though.
It does remind me which figures need updates in the scale, though. Poor Spychanger Scourge, he's so much shorter than everyone else! And G1 Ironhide (and Ratchet to match) and Blurr need some Legends-scale love, Hasbro! Also, the McDonald's Armada Megatron makes me wish the Legends scale had been a thing during Armada...


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
That is the most amazing miniature Cybertron/Gobotron/whatever I've ever seen. I've seen many others with varous cities assembled but very few POPULATED...
Thank you! Due to time and space constraints, it's only a fraction of the figures I have in roughly that scale, but I would need almost my whole basement and many days to get them all set up.

My only regret is I didn't get an Autobot Titan, either Metroplex or Fort Max, back when I had the budget where I could. Or even Optimus Maximus, for that matter. The Autobots are kind of just slumming it in everyone else's bases..

I do have a lot of that 'road' tape for hot wheels cars, was kind of thinking about making a Velocitron Titan that turns into some kind of track, but have never really sat down to figure out how to make it work...

Nurse: "Dr. Tyrannosaurus will see you now."

Dr. Tyrannosaurus: "RraaahhHHH"
Heh, in my head-canon, all of Medicalrex's repair capabilities are housed in her mouth, so she kind of has to chew on her patients to heal them...
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Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Heh, in my head-canon, all of Medicalrex's repair capabilities are housed in her mouth, so she kind of has to chew on her patients to heal them...

Brawn (noticing sign as he's wheeled into the Operating Room): "They made a mistake on that sign. They accidentally misspelled Orthapedic Surgeon as Therapodic Surgeon."

Nurse: "No, that's correct. Medicalrex is top in her field!"


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla

Just got this little guy, Bandit, from the Convertors line, for Father's Day. If you look close in the layout above, I had another one on the second Thruster, next to Core Soundwave. Plus a third one not shown, and a roulette wheel and pinball machine. At this point, maybe I should consider a Titan that's a Casino full of these guys? Maybe make it turn into a Giant Purple Gryphon?


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
View attachment 7033View attachment 7034

Just got this little guy, Bandit, from the Convertors line, for Father's Day. If you look close in the layout above, I had another one on the second Thruster, next to Core Soundwave. Plus a third one not shown, and a roulette wheel and pinball machine. At this point, maybe I should consider a Titan that's a Casino full of these guys? Maybe make it turn into a Giant Purple Gryphon?

Nice! I found one of those a while back myself. Been on the lookout for Tilt, the pinball one for a while, too. I had it as a kid (technically it was my sister's, but I laid claim to it pretty quickly) and always thought it was just the bee's knees with the working pinball bits.


...even Team Whirl.
@ Haywire - love the base/city setup.

Commandtrons and a Space Hawk? Those were cool to see. I had a Space Hawk but a kid my mom was baby-sitting broke it. Don't know if I've ever quite forgiven them for that...

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Thank you! Due to time and space constraints, it's only a fraction of the figures I have in roughly that scale, but I would need almost my whole basement and many days to get them all set up.

My only regret is I didn't get an Autobot Titan, either Metroplex or Fort Max, back when I had the budget where I could. Or even Optimus Maximus, for that matter. The Autobots are kind of just slumming it in everyone else's bases..

I do have a lot of that 'road' tape for hot wheels cars, was kind of thinking about making a Velocitron Titan that turns into some kind of track, but have never really sat down to figure out how to make it work...

Heh, in my head-canon, all of Medicalrex's repair capabilities are housed in her mouth, so she kind of has to chew on her patients to heal them...
TBH, I find the Autobot Titan city bases aren't as good as the Decepticon ones. I was going to make a thread about it at one point, but never got around to it.

That said, between Metroplex and Fortress Maximus, Metroplex is probably the better one for stuff like this.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
TBH, I find the Autobot Titan city bases aren't as good as the Decepticon ones. I was going to make a thread about it at one point, but never got around to it.

That said, between Metroplex and Fortress Maximus, Metroplex is probably the better one for stuff like this.

Yeah, the main reason Fort Max was even on the table was Rebirth Cerebros. I agree, Metroplex would fit this layout way better. Plus, he's kind of Trypticon's nemesis, and I have Sixshot, Slammer, and Windblade, so Metroplex would be all-around my first choice.

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