Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!


Flamboyant Cuddles!!!
Hey guyyyss???



RIBFIRBFIRBFIRBFBFIRBs’ses’ses’ piledrivers plug onto Netflix Soundwave.😱🤯


They can clip on via his shoulder piece tabs. This HAS to be unintentional, right??😱

For a slightly cleaner look:



The tolerances between the different pegs and holes are like really off between the WfC pieces (w/5mm-ish pegs in various shapes) and the SS pieces (that have hexagonal 5mm holes that are kinda loose tbh) so there’s not too tight a connection.
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Somehow still sane
Hotshot’s transformation is kinda fiddly and he still ends up with terrible kibble and the most tenuous connection point for his shoulders. Not a fan.


Brawn’s okay. Funny how he straight up cribs a 3P Brawn’s transformation which is fair enough I guess. The blue windows and whatever his helmet was originally colored were eyesores though.



Two arms and one smile
Yeah, that Brawn was disappointing to me. The top half of robot mode looks good, but the lower body needed to be left in the oven a while longer. I know that his legs look that way because of transformation. However, they're ugly and choppy, and those floaty little feet just look weird.


Continuity Nutcase
For the first time ever, Big Convoy is actually true to his name.

Seriously, his original toy may look large compared to those other guys, but it was the smallest when compared to the original Ultra class toys of Optimus Primal and Lio Convoy.


Wondering bot
Big Convoy is looking good in that picture and the toy is pretty much PREFECT and will be hard to top if Hasbro & takara decide to visit the character for legacy, thou I say he should be a commander class at least so that he can live up to his name of BIG!!

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Big Convoy may not have been the tallest, but he always had massive shelf presence, with the giant cannon and huge shoulder pads and all. Still lived up to the name to me.

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
That Bumblebee remains one of my favorite versions of him ever. Netflix 'Bee is great for being an actual VW and Origins is amazing and something I never thought would actually exist, but Classics BB was just a fantastic update/re-imagining and a fun toy.
Yeah, even without fancy things like wrist swivels or ankle tilts or a waist joint, I don't think anything will ever top this 'Bee for me. He's just a little guy, with his big ol' hoodie and Kingdom Hearts shoes. Plus, once movie 'Bee came a year later and solidified the black stripes look forever on not-solidly-G1 versions, it made this one all the nicer with the white stripes.


Somehow still sane
I don't mind them too much but yeah the feet are detail less planks and the legs are just plain stumpy. It's not unfitting per se but it's doesn’t go far enough to be a modern Brawn with exaggerated proportions and not G1 enough to be Studio Series.

I'd probably feel worse about it if I got it at full price
Yeah, that Brawn was disappointing to me. The top half of robot mode looks good, but the lower body needed to be left in the oven a while longer. I know that his legs look that way because of transformation. However, they're ugly and choppy, and those floaty little feet just look weird.


Wondering bot
Big Convoy may not have been the tallest, but he always had massive shelf presence, with the giant cannon and huge shoulder pads and all. Still lived up to the name to me.

That is very true, my copy stands upon my mixed shelf of MOSTLY large bots, thou how he placed, he pretty much eying up his rivals


Continuity Nutcase
I just wish I could find Snarl.

Saw him once at a GameStop, didn't have the money for him at the time, and have never seen him again.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Yeah, I'm not sure I ever saw Snarl in the wild. Sludge is everywhere still (in fact, I picked up my spare Sludge-to-become-Paddles during one of Target's sales). I've taken to ordering most everything I buy as the stores in my area rarely have much.


Wondering bot
I never got this obession with this Paddles by some people as to me, it just screams about the dumbest Dinobot alt mode as they would be limited to the sea, but then to me, its not really a G1 character

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