Power Rangers General Discussion Thread

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
The newest Hasbro Retro Arcade title has been revealed at the Summer Gamefest:
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind. Designed with a time travel story to let you replay all those classic fights against season 1 monsters. Developed by Digital Eclipse, the game is due later this year.
Gameplay features classic belt brawler gameplay with some old school scrolling shooting levels and first person Zord action

Dangit, Paladin, I was in middle of writing! :p


Well-known member
Oh yay, even more MMPR content; so good that they're giving attention to this often forgotten era or PR...

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
And THAT's probably why Hasbro gave Playmates a license to make toys. Their big media plans fizzled and they're passing the franchise off for cheap license dollars until...they do something?
It's not entirely unprecedented: Mattel kicked Masters of the Universe to Super7 for about 4 years until Mattel started their renewed initiatives in 2020. We could be looking at a similar situation with Power Rangers, get Hasbro some easy license dollars until they figured out what they want to do with Power Rangers. Be it a continued effort at an American initiative or go back to converting Super Sentai.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Congratulations: Y'all been frontpaged.



Active member
Currently watching Power Rangers on DVD as these will be full screen rather than pillar boxed format. (MMPR - RPM)

Aspect Ratio 1:33:1

Have the Shout Factory masters been upscaled recently for DVD out of curiosity?


Well-known member
Well, this is a series of "good news/bad news" moments just for this page.

I'll admit, I was completely wrong about Hasbro just being busy with their new thing. That new thing isn't happening. Now, I have to wonder what they'll end up pivoting to? They already shut down production in New Zealand, so it'd be pretty hard to start that back up. I don't know if they'd go back to using Sentai footage or not, since they might have burned some bridges there, just from stopping business with Toei.

Personally, I still think a animated series is pretty possible. It's more Hasbro's "comfort zone". I don't think Hasbro has done a lot of live action stuff, recently, at least not by themselves. Movies are one thing, but a TV show is a different business entirely.

But, I guess we'll just have to see what happens.

On the other hand, that video game is looking pretty good! I'm a sucker old school arcade-style beat em ups, anyway. And some of the "mode 7" looking sections just look neat. I kind of wish they put a *little* more money into the "cutscenes" since those look pretty cheap. Or just did them in a different art-style (the Boom comic artists are RIGHT THERE, Hasbro!) But, the actual gameplay and spritework are looking pretty solid so far.

I never really got into Battle for the Grid, since I'm not great at fighting games. This seems more up my alley.

Yeah, it'd be nice if they branched out from MMPR. But, I get the business reasons for it. The other seasons just don't sell as well, even though most of them are better. I think the most we can hope for is maybe Time Force or RPM DLC down the line, unfortunately.

I'm definitely keeping a eye on this one.


Well-known member
Who's got two long ears and is crossing over with the Power Rangers next?

It's Usagi Yojimbo!

I feel like the dialogue writes itself. "A bunny ninja? Finster's losing his touch!"

...I'll admit, I don't know how many people other than me are actually going to be excited for this. Most people probably only know Miyamoto Usagi from the times he's crossed over with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Also, interestingly, Stan Sakai, the usual creator behind Usagi, isn't the one on art. Instead it's Shawn Daley who's done...some alternate covers for TMNT comics and "Samurai Grandpa" and "Ogres". So, not much that I've heard of.

But, I kind of like his style, from what I can see online. And he seems to be a fan of Usagi, so this is probably a pretty good fit.


I don't know, this just feels notable for Boom continuing to release Power Rangers comics even after the main series ends. Even if it is just one shots like this and that "Infinity" special.

Maybe they're just using up the time they have until the license expires. Or maybe they're buying time until they're ready to announce whatever their reboot will be. It's hard to say right now.

I guess I just have a hard time believing that they'd end the Power Rangers comics, since that's the only part of the franchise that's really "working" right now.
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Continuity Nutcase
I feel like the dialogue writes itself. "A bunny ninja? Finster's losing his touch!"
Shows what the rangers know. He's a samurai, not a ninja. ;)


Continuity Nutcase
Two for two this week as Linkara has also uploaded his revised History of Power Rangers SPD video:



Kaiser Dragon
I don't really follow PR stuff much, but got curious about Lightning Collection and ZAP earlier. I know I'd heard that Lightning Collection was supposed to be on hold this year. Has there been any news about the line resuming at some point? And any news at all on ZAP in particular? I'm not holding out much hope at this point, but sure would be nice to get a Titanus to complete that set.


Continuity Nutcase
Short answer: No on both accounts.

Longer answer: The only new toy news that has been made known in regards to the future of Power Rangers is that Hasbro is giving Playmates a license to make a line of MMPR toys for kids. The fate of everything else in regards to the brand as a whole is completely up in the air as of now.

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