PulseCon 2022


Stone and Sky

Spooky scary sauropod skeleton because I'm trying to wrap my brain around how the hell Sludge's legs work. His thighs are lies.


Well-known member
Hot Shot looks great in robot mode, and he has the axlezooka back, but it's a shame he doesn't come with Jolt. Meanwhile, Needlenose gets both his little buddies, which is simultaneously cool and kind of annoying. Still, give me a Selects Powerlinx Hot Rod and I'm listening.

I want them to do Universe Smokescreen before any other deco myself. Even pair him with Siege Sideswipe as Drench.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I can respect Core for coming up with a weird combination sequence that requires compromises we wouldn't accept at Deluxe size and above. It's like something we'd see from a Brave series side bot.

Especially if it means the hands and feet aren't separate pieces.


Well-known member
Let's see...
- Core Dinobots are cute and their inherent weirdness from being a low cost combiner gives them some charm, DInoking/Monstructor or not. I'd almost think they could face off against my Prime Terrorcons but they might have a size advantage thinking about it.
- Breakdown is adequate enough. Not sure what to think of Hasbro's "hey this piece we didn't glue on can be pegged onto the gun for an axe" thing they've been trying to push since Siege Red Alert, I almost think at this point it's a joke they're enjoying. For as much as the fandom groused about him for the days leading up to this, he still sold out first from Hasbro Pulse...
- That is definitely Lio Convoy, warts and all. The terrible arm kibble is almost iconic at this point. That lion mode wouldn't be half as endearing if they didn't give it a face that read like he was possessed by an otherwordly spirit.
- Needlenose is back and he's going to show Universe 2.0 Silverbolt how a robot with an entire jet backpack REALLY plays! I wonder what the "there's something else about the jet mode" they were teasing at actually is.
- Hot Shot is a vast improvement over his last attempted updated of the design, but it's still making problems for itself that it doesn't have to. Moving the sleeve kibble to the back of the legs almost made it look like the knees were near pointless, but checking again there's a LOT of space between the two so... as well, the car mode feels weirdly smooshed flat to me.
- Tarn. Hideous toy, hideous design. Looks like it's a time-displaced 3rd party figure from 2007. Nails exactly what it's going for so it's ugly on purpose but whoof. At least there's light piping I guess.

-Scraphook, the winner of the reveals. "What if weaponizer/modulator Junkions" was a constant thing people said since the concept was introduced, and he just looks cool in both modes. I love that on the poster he's not even in the "right" truck mode, emphasizing how crazy Junkion combinations could get, and I noticed his tire buckler has details blatantly like Rhinox's chain gun so they clearly intend for people to play around with pegging parts together to make crazy weapons. That he can be transformed without disassembly just seals the deal and makes me excited to see all the junkions they plan to put in the line.

Powered Convoy

Junkions, Dinobots (and they obvious retools), and Needlenose have me the most excited. Needlenose looks really fantastic. Do wish Zig Zag was more green than yellow though.

Demovere Xeno

Needlenose looks like he sacrificed even more than Pointblank in the designers' effort to pack him with two Targetmasters. >.< Meanwhile, Hot Shot looks like he followed Override's lead (appropriate =P) in giving more focus to robot mode proportions over the car mode; that's a rather flat-looking sports car. I really hope he looks better in-person than those unflattering pics - I've been waiting for an update to him for so long.

Tarn, though, looks pretty dang awesome. =O And oh Primus, Scraphook! Weaponizers (and doing brand-new characters with unique designs) aren't dead! Just, Hasbro... please give us more than 2-3 Mad Max Junkion molds before you start releasing the Selects repaints, yeah? =P


singularly focused
Is this Needlenose's special alt mode feature they mentioned on stream but didn't show?
Just sticking the targetmasters into his rear end?


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Well-known member
Is this Needlenose's special alt mode feature they mentioned on stream but didn't show?
Just sticking the targetmasters into his rear end?

They did mention in the stream that the targetmasters are capable of becoming a thruster for the jet mode.


Wondering bot
Honestly, I think Needlenose should rename himself to Needlebutt due to the nose of his jet mode sticking downwards beyond his legs, but then, I'm not getting him, he doesn't look very intersting, I think the target masters budget should of gone into the actual robot but that merely my thoughts just going by the images


singularly focused
Hmm a few magic cards for SG characters that don't have toys
Also they showed off a positive universe arcee, but I think they forgot to show the SG variant


Wondering bot
Looking at those cards, I would say, next year, we'll have another SG line featuring the characters who not been in the line, thus far, so I expect, Bltizwing, Cyclonus and Prowl to get toys, if Hasbro have actively gone out of their way to make cards for this Trading card game, but then, I not got a clue how the game works as I not played it and unlikely to do so!


Well-known member
Here are the Magic cards, BTW

I don't play Magic so maybe this makes sense, but I don't understand why "this vehicle is also a creature" effect would depend on whose turn it is?

I havnt played since College really. More than a decade ago, so I can't say the exact details but I would assume there are effects that can happen to vehicles on certain players turns that Creatures are immune to. This is a way to say that Transformers in vehicle mode are never "unmanned" and so are immune to such effects.

-ZacWilliam, just a guess mind from someone who played casually like 15 years ago.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Here are the Magic cards, BTW

I don't play Magic so maybe this makes sense, but I don't understand why "this vehicle is also a creature" effect would depend on whose turn it is?
Vehicles in Magic usually have a "Crew" mechanic, where you tap a certain amount of creatures (with enough total attack power to equal the crew cost, which varies by card) in order to make the vehicle become a creature. Without a crew, a vehicle normally can't attack or block and is otherwise not considered a creature.

I guess the "only on your turn" part is to replicate them being in disguise. They're just hiding, we swear.

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