Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

Guardian Prime

Veteran Allsparker
Couple summers ago, I was trimming a bush in front of my mom's house. Didn't know there was a nest of bald-faced hornets hiding inside and I got stung twice on the back of my wrist.


Eorzean Idiot
About a year ago I was mowing the lawn and got too close to some bumblebees. One got stuck in my sock and stung me over and over again. Once I swiped it loose, it stung my ear before I was finally able to get away. My ankle was swollen so much I couldn't even see how many times I'd gotten stung. It wasn't getting any better and I finally called the doctor and had to take some antibiotics.

Guardian Prime

Veteran Allsparker
My mom once told me and my siblings a story about her own encounter with hornets. She and her brother were on a trip over the mountain with her parents when she was a kid. They needed to stop on the side of the road so that her brother could take a piss. After he was done, he noticed a large hornet nest and proceeded to hit with a large stick. The hornets ignored him and went straight for the car where my mom was inside with the window down.

She was stung around a 100 times and had to be rushed to a doctor.


Well-known member
they probably were. i once accidently kicked a nest underneath my grams garbage cans once. they stayed agitated for an hour after. I did get stung that time about 10 times. was not fun.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I have never been stung, even though at my first school we had encounters with wasps every day. They were as docile as any bug could be.


Somehow still sane
IIRC, wasps are less aggressive since most species don't have hives to protect and are more likely to fly away.
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Well-known member
Checked the nest after spraying it last night and there were still hornets alive. gonna buy a can of WD40 and use the applicator it comes with to try and get way up in behind the mirror and nuke whatever is left.


Well-known member
i think they might be done for. when the survivor of last nights chemical attack came out of the nest, she landed on the mirror and freaked out so i think the residual posion may have finished her. so long as i got the queen i think im ok.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I would use brake cleaner. It usually comes with a straw, and the stuff kills almost any wasps near-instantly.


Eorzean Idiot
I say you take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


Somehow still sane
Usually, when we have a bee or hornet problem, we just light a small fire inside a can under the hive. It either makes them fly away or suffocates the stubborn ones.


Nonstop Baaka
Once we had a paper wasp nest under the eaves. Would've left it alone, except that it was right above our oil intake line and I didn't want the oil delivery guys getting stung.

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