Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I had a very productive day working on projects that will probably never produce results.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
You know what would be an awesome crossover? The Guyver and McGuyver. An ultra-violent hero in alien armor that destroys the Zoanoids with explosives made from household objects.


Well-known member
Depends on what your watching. anything that pretends to be news? yes. VoDs of last years puppy bowl on animal planet? no. no your day will not be ruined itll actually be enriched.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
It doesn't matter to me anymore. The ratio of commercial to content has been pushed too far. It is beyond sanity anymore.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Modern No Man's Sky feels like it scratches the same itch that Starfield is supposed to - based on trailers so far, only real difference seems to be Bethesda story/questing/setting and the ease of modding(presumably). Based on the timing and knowing how Oblivion was reworked after Todd saw LotR, I wonder if a large part of Starfield being the way it is is because Todd tried NMS at launch and went "We can do this better."

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
I like how this entire board is barely alive because most of the userbase left after the site was down for like 3 months last year or whatever.


Somehow still sane
I come here for Transformers. With the tailend of IDW1 being either self-indulgent tripe or trojan horses for garbo Hasbro IP I don't give a jive about, the TV shows being targeted to younger audiences with jive toys, Generations devolving to G1 with knees, IDW2 being color-by-number generic TF and even unofficial toys reduced to either MP or Legends cartoon models, my interest in the brand has never been lower.

jive, if I weren't attached to you weirdos for whatever reason, I probably wouldn't even be posting.
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Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
Well, this time last summer I was recovering from major surgery, as I've mentioned elsewhere, and taking advantage of the downtime to clean 30 gigabytes of accumulated junk mail out of my Yahoo! inbox, I discovered some notifications from this board. I followed the links to discover that the board was down.

So once it went up again, I rejoined.

But yeah, a look at my posts show that I've had a lot more to say about free Steam games than the Transformers brand of late. (I've tried to contribute to the Wiki but of late a lot of stuff gets auto-reverted. I don't think that there's any animus, but it happens enough times it dampens one's enthusiasm.)

Anyway, I missed the Botcon fiasco -- there was another one? (I wrote for a local fanzine about the whole "Sentinel Maximus being court-ordered to be shipped to your last known mailing address" business back in 2004....)


Eorzean Idiot
I've been talking more about TMNT, MotU and video games more than anything. The Transformers toys I buy are few and far between. The Transformers media I watch is even fewer and further between.

But the community is still here, even if it feels...shrunk.

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