Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
update on my grandpa: i didn't get a phone call from him yesterday but i just called the ICU to get an update on him and here's what i know:
- they've downgraded him from the big thing that gives him oxygen to the smaller thing that goes into his nose
- he's having difficulties swallowing right now and tomorrow they're going to doing a swallow exam
- the GI bleeding is still something they're working on, the nurse said they'll need to check his stomach, but he hasn't had any bloody bowel movements nor has he vomited any blood (IDK if that was a thing he was doing beforehand or if they're just noting that) either today or yesterday
- he may possibly be moved out of the ICU and back into the main part of the hospital in the next few days???

they did say he's doing a bit better


Wondering bot
I hope he carries on recovering, for ya!

Had a dispatch notice for a "Big" TF, should hopefully be here in the next couple of days, so he can make a splash of sorts!


Somehow still sane
The stomach thing’s not too big of a concern if there isn’t any active bleeding. Probably just PPI pills if anything, though they might also change some meds. Many cases of GI bleed in elderly are from aspirin use

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
they did the swallow exam and he literally cannot swallow at all, like the muscles just aren't working

they're gonna him a peg tube which is better than getting nutrients via IV. i consented to this, accidentally (i was saying 'yeah' because that's what NTs do to make it clear you're listening to a conversation but the nurse thought i was saying 'yeah' in terms of going 'yeah i want you to do this' and i was too autistic to say 'no i wasn't consenting' because that would feel like a dick thing to say)


Wondering bot
Gezz, the weather was so nice, the other day and now its just chucking it down outside, what the hell happened to the summer weather?:(


Wondering bot
The weather is getting weirder of late, I mean a couple of years ago, it was so hot that the ground was drying out to the point you could see old trails in the grass and then this year, its been a lot of rain tipping down, I wonder if its this climaite change throwing a monkey wrench into weather system?


Somehow still sane
they did the swallow exam and he literally cannot swallow at all, like the muscles just aren't working

they're gonna him a peg tube which is better than getting nutrients via IV. i consented to this, accidentally (i was saying 'yeah' because that's what NTs do to make it clear you're listening to a conversation but the nurse thought i was saying 'yeah' in terms of going 'yeah i want you to do this' and i was too autistic to say 'no i wasn't consenting' because that would feel like a dick thing to say)
It's for the best. IV feeding is expensive and not suited for the long term and the PEG beats the alternative which is a nasogastric tube which is uncomfortable and just a sort of hassle regardless. Sudden onset of swallowing disorder is unusual, but could be a manifestation of a previous stroke or Parkinson's Disease. In this context, I would suspect that the breathing difficulty is a result of aspiration pneumonia, which put simply, is the food/drinks going down the airhole rather than the food hole.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
good news and bad news:
- a few days ago, I had to make the decision to decide that if my grandpa stops breathing or goes into cardiac arrest, the doctors will not try to resuscitate him. at his age and frailty, it's more likely that trying to perform CPR will end up breaking his ribs and killing him than actually saving his life

- they called me yesterday evening and told me he is doing better, although they are still working on his swallowing, and he was much more aware and alert than he had been and was asking about me (i said i would visit him yesterday, i visited him the day before last, but i didn't) - i will visit him tomorrow, of course

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