Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere


Wondering bot
Does Master Roshi get royalties every time Goku and friends uses the Kamehameha?

No, Goku isn't very good with money, his mind is filled with food or fighting 99.9% of the time and he doesn't really know how to manage finances, besides its not just Goku who can use that, Krillin, Yamacha and Tien plus Gohan know how to use it, besides, I don't think Roshi copyrighted it to start with!!


Eorzean Idiot
Can you copyright moves? Do Ken, Ryu and Sakura have to pay royalties to Gouken? I mean, maybe Dan's lucky he can't pull off a proper Hadouken.


Wondering bot
Can you copyright moves? Do Ken, Ryu and Sakura have to pay royalties to Gouken? I mean, maybe Dan's lucky he can't pull off a proper Hadouken.

If one could copytight moves then the Street Fighter Universe would be floated with such things as all of the characters have different moves


Eorzean Idiot
Is Ash Wednesday a Catholic thing? I grew up Church of Christ and Ash Wednesday was always just a day on the calendar to me. I honestly don't even know the significance behind it.


Wondering bot
Is Ash Wednesday a Catholic thing? I grew up Church of Christ and Ash Wednesday was always just a day on the calendar to me. I honestly don't even know the significance behind it.

Wikiepida says its the first day of Lent, but the basics is, that its six weeks until Easter as it comes after Pancake day, but for me, they are just normal days, I don't care about pancakes, I pretty much forgotten about it and had chips from a local Chinese takeway last night and they are nice on top of being genious with their portions and cheeper than other takeways in the aera.


Is Ash Wednesday a Catholic thing? I grew up Church of Christ and Ash Wednesday was always just a day on the calendar to me. I honestly don't even know the significance behind it.
I grew up Congregational Protestant, so it was kind of a thing insomuch as it was the beginning of Lent, but not the Catholic level of 'go to church and get a smudge on your forehead for the day' thing.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Is Ash Wednesday a Catholic thing? I grew up Church of Christ and Ash Wednesday was always just a day on the calendar to me. I honestly don't even know the significance behind it.

I grew up Catholic. Ash Wednesday was our thing. The significance is the spoken reminder "You are dust, and to dust you shall return."

It sucks. You don't know how itchy that stuff is.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
ash wednesday is not just a catholic thing lmao.


Wondering bot
I'm not really into this regilous stuff, techinally we are classed as Christian but we don't do the whole Church every Sunday thing and in terms of relgious holidays, we celeberate Easter & Christmas, thou its more about coming together as a family than anything else, we do give Easter eggs, well, me, my sister, my niece & nephew as my parents aren't into that sort of thing, Christmas is when we exhange gifts among each other but we aren't a super serious reglious family, never have been but we aren't critical of other people's faiths, we are the kind of people who say believe what you want so long you don't try and impose it upon us!


Somehow still sane
Dan has a better win-loss record. He also fights people in a universe where fighters meditate on the sea floor and break submarines in two with karate.

The most powertul Punch Out character is a gorilla wearing a necktie.


Wondering bot
Dan has a better win-loss record. He also fights people in a universe where fighters meditate on the sea floor and break submarines in two with karate.

The most powertul Punch Out character is a gorilla wearing a necktie.

That made me think of a video clip I saw earlier, a one hit cat that knocks over a cow

Second video in this short



Nonstop Baaka
Downloaded an Otome game on sale (couldn't find a decently priced physical copy). Oh hey, this supporting char's voice sounds familiar.... *looks it up*


Instant fave char so far, his lines are making me laugh though most likely he's not a secret romanceable char.


Eorzean Idiot
So you just obtained raw, unlimited power. What do you do?

A. Power is neither good nor bad. I'm a decent person. I have no doubt I can use these powers for the good of all mankind.

B. Get rid of these powers. They're too dangerous for any one person to have. Power corrupts and I refuse to let myself become a monster.

C. Share this power. If other people has these powers, that will be enough to keep me in line. We can watch over each other and make sure no one goes mad with power. Past that, just enjoy your good fortune.

D. This power is mine and mine alone. Bow before your new master and pray to me for mercy, for I and I alone hold your pathetic lives in my iron grasp!

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
E: Probably very little, because I'm lazy and unmotivated. But if my job just happens to collapse into a spontaneous short-lived microsingularity over the weekend while the building's empty, I admit nothing.

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