i wish it didn't have to be sold like i would genuinely have given up everything i owned just to keep my childhood home but the lawyer wasn't lying when he said both it and my dad's house would end up selling for more money
dad's house was listed for $285k and sold for $335k, my home was listed for $299k and sold for $390k.
I love Batman Beyond but this isn't it chief. Add all the greeble and detail you want but you don't mess with the face. He looks like Spider-Man 2099 more than anything.
Why does everything have to be tech and plate armor? Batman Forever was simple. It was elegant. It was technologically advanced, but it wasn't outwardly gaudy.
I love Batman Beyond but this isn't it chief. Add all the greeble and detail you want but you don't mess with the face. He looks like Spider-Man 2099 more than anything.
Well he looked like this in the games, but this still looks like Bruce's bodytype more than terry's... so who knows what the actual beyond suit would look like if the game series kept going
I wouldn't put much stock into this, since all the alternate costumes are just reskins or texture edits of the default Batsuit. Case in point, the Beyond suit has the most awkward cape/wing animations.
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