Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
kakarot...this cancer thing is pretty strong...i don't think i'll win


Somehow still sane
Eh, he would have died to Raditz if not for Piccolo (well he died anyway but you know what I mean), Vegeta if not for Yajirobe and Frieza without literally everybody. It’s about par for the course.
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Today's Jehovah Witness really really wanted to stop talking to me. I'm lonely, dude.

I don't know what he planned on talking to me about. He got filibustered hard.

This guy keeps coming back. I'm just guessing he's a Jehovah Witness. I still don't know who he's affiliated with. He hasn't gotten to say yet.


Eorzean Idiot
I'm just going to say it. I don't understand kayfabe. I mean, I understand what it is, but I don't understand the why.

For one thing, everyone knows that the persona wrestlers put on is an act. Now I'm willing to believe that while certain parts of a match may scripted, there's probably necessarily going to be a lot of 'improve'. This is not about the goods and bads of professional wrestling. This is strictly about kayfabe.

When they're in the arena, when they're on camera doing promotions, yes, they're in character. They're playing a part.

But when they're out in the real world, meeting people, living their lives...well...it's not like they ask Stallone to go around all the time acting like he's Rocky. Schwarzenegger doesn't go around all the time acting like he's the Terminator. Jackman doesn't go around all the time acting like Wolverine. Ryan Reynolds doesn't go around acting like Deadpo...actually, that's a bad example.

But you get my point, right? Why is it demanded of wrestlers that they stay in character all the time?

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Movie actors don't have to maintain that persona every week for years at a time.

Kayfabe is mostly just a holdover from the old days when they tried to pass wrestling off as actual full-on fighting. The cat's been out of the bag for a long time now, so it's mostly tradition.
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The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Depends on the company. And the culture; luchadores, in particular, consider their masks a mark of honor and make it a point of pride to wear them as much as possible.


americans are so corn syrup-brained they think that shitty overly thick and artificially sweet 'pancake syrup' is better than real maple syrup
One of the benefits of growing up in Ye Olde New England was never even encountering "pancake syrup" until I was old enough to know better.

y'all ever have maple syrup candy

like holy jive, so good.
Also, these:



Somehow still sane
The superman glasses disguise explanations devised in modern media almost work- except for Lois and Jimmy. Like, an investigative reporter and a photographer who spend so much time with both identities should not be getting fooled.

at that point the hokey old Super-ventriloquism, Super-hypnosis and asking Batman to dress as Superman and show up with Clark every once in a while makes more sense.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Where did people get the idea that food goes bad after a week in the fridge? The entire POINT of a fridge is to keep food for longer periods of time.

Yes, I mad because someone threw out something I was planning to eat on.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
The last few years trained me to assume food is still good. I don't waste a scrap anymore.

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