To be fair: it wouldn't be hard to leapfrog canada in any number of social ways or means. Call me when you leap frogged france or spain.
Possibly, as long as it covered prescription medications.So you're saying if we somehow managed to pass Medicare For All, we'd actually get to brag about having leap-frogged Canada in terms of how socialized our medicine is?
“The will of the people” is what the Tory government(s) here have been shrieking for the last nearly eight years, using it to justify xenophobia, austerity and draconian laws. Absolutely hateful phrase."Against the will of the people" does imply a level of illegitimacy beyond what the law provides for. If a leader had to resign as soon as their approval rating dropped below 50% no one would survive their first week in office.
So is that what you're accusing me of? Because I used some words a political entity in an entirely different country used?“The will of the people” is what the Tory government(s) here have been shrieking for the last nearly eight years, using it to justify xenophobia, austerity and draconian laws. Absolutely hateful phrase.
that.But I guess since they pretend to be on the correct side, they can do no wrong and be endlessly excused.
Yerwot, mate? Not accusations. Just pointing out that phrase you repeated is as sinister as it comes. And I’ve seen it used in some awful ways by the crooked lot in charge of my own country to justify the unjustifiable.So is that what you're accusing me of? Because I used some words a political entity in an entirely different country used?
If you want draconian laws, I've already referenced one our ostensibly left-wing government has tabled. A law that empowers the government to punish someone based on the fear or suspicion that they may do something in the future. That's peak authoritarianism, and only belongs in crappy Tom Cruise films.
But I guess since they pretend to be on the correct side, they can do no wrong and be endlessly excused.
Yerwot, mate? Not accusations. Just pointing out that phrase you repeated is as sinister as it comes. And I’ve seen it used in some awful ways by the crooked lot in charge of my own country to justify the unjustifiable.
(Left wing government, though? Really? Aren’t the Liberals just another big business neoliberal party, just more interventionist and culturally liberal than the other lot?)