Rewriting Transformers Energon


Staff member
Council of Elders
I haven't watched any of these series since they first aired. Are they available for free viewing anywhere? Hell, I might even be willing to pay a small price to watch them all.


New member
Here are my cast of characters for my rewrite of Transformers Energon:
Team Optimus Prime
• Optimus Prime
• Hot Shot
• Ironhide
• Jetfire
• Inferno
• Gold Bug
• Kickback
• Downshift
• Cliffjumper
• Firestar
• Moonracer
Team Rodimus Prime
• Rodimus Prime
• Prowl
• Landmine
• Bulkhead
• Ultra Magnus
• Grimlock
• Swoop
• Wing Saber
• Omega Supreme
• Chromia
• Superion Maximus
• Elita One
Autobot Omnicons:
• Skyblast
• Strong Arm
• Signal Flare
• Arcce
Team Galvatron:
Galvatron (Upgraded Megatron)
• Skywrap (Upgraded Starscream)
• Slugslinger
• SnowCat (Upgraded unnamed Decepticon)
• Long Haul (Upgraded unnamed Decepticon)
• Mirage (Upgraded unnamed Decepticon)
• Shockblast
• Sixshot
• Bruticus Maximus
• Devastator Maximus
Team Deathsaurus:
• Deathsaurus
• Overlord
• Nightbird
• Leo Zak
• Hellbat
• Guyhawk
• Drillhorn
• Killbison
• Jallguar
Decepticon Terrorcons:
• Scoponok
• Divebomb
• Ravage
• Cruellock
• Insecticon
• Skybite
• Misha Miramond
• Pierre Miramond (deceased)
• Ollie Miramond (deceased)
• Jessica Spencer
• Chelsea Stone
• Jason Stone
• Professor Caleb Stone
• Melissa Fairchild
• Professor Marcus James
• Joey James
• Quintessons

• Alpha Quintesson
• Beta Quintesson
• Gamma Quintesson
• Delta Quintesson
Ancient Gods:
• Unicron
Acient Cybertronians:
• Soulos Prime
• Alpha Trion
• Nexus Prime
• Micronus Prime
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
One thing in list that jumps out at me is Long Haul being an upgraded unnamed Decepticon, not Demolishor. I would like that. Demolishor's story is way better if he stays dead.


Is there any chance that with the Transformers Engeron anniversary and the 40th anniversary of The Transformers Franchise Next year that The Transformers Engeron Dreamewave comic story could be finished with the new Publisher?
Simon Furman had a multiverse IDW story in mind that may have been his Transformers cybertron comic and with the Legacy line and the Anniversary's as well as the collision course idea that did not happen at IDW could we see something like it?
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Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Why did the "Unicorn trilogy" have Megatron becoming Galvatron and back to Megatron in the next series and Galvatron again later?
In Micron Legend he stayed Megatron(the toy was Megatron Super Mode), and then was Galvatron the entire time(the upgrade was Galvatron G) in Super Link. Galaxy Force as aired originally wasn't linked to the previous two, hence Master Megatron (though you can see where it started with the bits of Unicron in his design, and IIRC it was eventually folded in). While it was a co-production, from the way things worked out the cartoon was in large part produced with Japanese audiences in mind and dubbed over here, so that's something to consider in this sort of thing.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Is there any chance that with the Transformers Engeron anniversary and the 40th anniversary of The Transformers Franchise Next year that The Transformers Engeron Dreamewave comic story could be finished with the new Publisher?

Exceedingly unlikely. Dreamwave's late and unfinished issues are stuck in limbo. I don't see why a company theoretically couldn't just pay to spring them from limbo, but comic book companies don't have a lot of cash to throw at 'just for fun' projects like that. If any company would have done it, it would have been IDW, and they passed.

I wish though. Dreamwave's Armadaverse is their only storyline that was written all the way to completion. We still don't know the endgame for their G1 universe. We do know the endgame for Energon, but we can't have it.


Continuity Nutcase
We still don't know the endgame for their G1 universe.
At the very least, it felt like they were building up to events akin to TFTM.

We do know the endgame for Energon, but we can't have it.
Furman did once say that the final chapter of the unpublished Energon comics would basically lead into the Cybertron cartoon, since the last comic script ended with the beginning of the formation of the black hole.
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Staff member
Council of Elders
What marketing would that be?
Hasbro has said many times that they'll keep pushing out Megatron and Optimus because people know who those characters are. So, that being said, it is a marketing ploy based off of name recognition. They know they can market the names Megatron and Optimus Prime for ever and ever.


Hasbro has said many times that they'll keep pushing out Megatron and Optimus because people know who those characters are. So, that being said, it is a marketing ploy based off of name recognition. They know they can market the names Megatron and Optimus Prime for ever and ever.
Why not Optimus Prime and Galvatron?


Staff member
Council of Elders
Good question. Hasbro doesn't feel that Galvatron has the same name recognition as Megatron.


New member
Hi again. Since this is the last day of the year, my Version of Transformers energon rewrite

For this rewrite:
• Optimus Prime dies for 20 years after final battle with Galvatron then gets revived by Misha who has the ability to detect and manipulate Energon when she and Hot Shot found his coffin guard by Omega Supreme and Sentinel Supreme( Omega Sentinel renamed) behind the Great Wall in China.
• Rodimus became the Leader of the Autobots after Optimus Prime and when Optimus is revived, he became a member of the team.
• Hot Shot is a separate character from Armada/ Micron Legends. He's a rookie but holds a guilt for having Optimus killed for for his life. When he rescued Misha from the Terrorcons, they form a strong bond.
• Inferno is a second rookie but a great sniper
• Ironhide is a third rookie and he's tough as the G1 counterpart, but has a curious personality.
• Wing Saber is the younger brother of Star Saber who was killed by Deathsaurus
• Galvatron is a separate character from Armada Micron Legends. His goal is to drain Earth of Energon to rebuild and conquer Cybertron. After receiving the information from Scorponok that Misha was the one who revived Optimus Prime, he sought to capture her and manipulate her to find Energon on every planet in the Solar system.
• Deathsaurus and the Breast Force will be present.
• Snow Cat, Long Haul, Maelstrom (Mirage renamed) and Starscream are separate characters from Armada/Micron Legends
• Slugslinger and Scorponok are the "Starscreams"
• Shockblast is an Energon scientist for the Decepticons and Six Shot is the pilot of Command ship Thruster ( ship from the Gobots series)
• Scorponok is the herald of Unicron and became an ally to the Decepticons.
• Omnicons a Transformers who left Cybertron 4 million years during the war and discovered that mine Energon. Then they migrate to Earth to help the humans find Energon in secret.
• Terrorcons were Omnicons corrupted and transformed by Dark Energon. They are intelligent and can speak.
• Misha is the main human protagonist in the series. She lost her parents, who were archeologists in a car accident. She also lost her grandfather, who the head energy scientist in an explosion on Alcatraz Island by his former partner, Dr Arkiville. which causes her to have the powers to detect Energon.
• Jessica Steel is Misha's Foster sister and bestie and she also has Energon powers by creating weapon constructs. She is partnered with Inferno.
• Connor Zhang is Misha's love interest and also has Energon powers by creating light projections four Chinese animal guardians and has awesome Shaolin kung fu skills. He's partnered with Ironhide.
There will three Quintessons but they were exiled by their own kind from their idealism.
• Primus and Unicron will be present

That's all of my version. What do think? If you like/love it, awesome if not, okay I tried.

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