Trying to read the last page or so

Why not have a full ongoing series of SG and spotlight one shorts that come with toy figures?There wasn't a line with comics yet when the SG Optimus/Ratchet pack came out. In fact I'd imagine the comic releases happened because the Optimus/Ratchet pack had already come out and presumably been successful.
Why not have a full ongoing series of SG and spotlight one shorts?
Currently, the license for comics is in Flux and we have no idea who getting the license or what their plans are, they might be just doing reprints of older stuff, like the Marvel comics or Dreamwave, than doing anything original, its not like the North Armeican comic book market is in good shapee right now, Manga is out selling DC & Marvel combined
Well there's the answer to the Transformers Comics conidium!
Don't put out a comic, put out a Transformers Manga!
If the leak is going to be true then is Grimlock is going to the Leaderclass.I'm guessing Shockwave and then the Skywarp & Thundercracker repaints of the Siege seeker mold
How would they make a SG Shockwave or a SG Prime as a Voyager Class?There's been rumors that Grimlock will be the next Leader Class.
If the teaser at the end of IDW 2 is to go on: Prowl.
My prediction beyond that: Voyager Prime, no trailer, from Legacy Mold.
Not sure of any Decepticons, as the only one I can think of really wanting atm is Shockwave, and not sure if they'd do two leaders, or do him as a Voyager. But I wouldnt mind Thundercracker using the Earthrise mold. Not sure who a second deluxe could be.
How would they make a SG Shockwave or a SG Prime as a Voyager Class?
How could they do it to Galvatron and Cyclonus ?Prime: By dropping the trailer, like they've done with the Earthrise version.
Shockwave: Dropping the extra bits would do it, but gimps any attempt to hide he's not a gun.
They couldn't.How could they do it to Galvatron and Cyclonus ?
They couldn't.
Cyclonus is already a Voyager, so he wouldn't need to be stripped of anything extra, anyway.
And Galvatron is a full-sized Leader class who couldn't ever be sold as a Voyager.
Could it be that Hasbro is going to focus on characters that all ready had Shattered Glass toys and that Flamewar was a exception because they wanted a female SG Decepticon?
Optimus was left in a damaged Ultra magnus body.
Could it be repaired with CR chamber?