Sonic The Hedgehog

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
So I saw that this was on Paramount+ and my kids have been really into Sonic lately, so I figured why not make it a movie night? It was a great movie! We all loved it!


If this is the end for Jim Carrey, then he went out on a high note! His performance and story arc was perfect in this film. I loved it when they first showed him in the crab. Hilarious! I am still a little confused on the family structure though. So was Marie his cousin or older sister? No word on what happened to their parents. Also, is Robotnik a clone? He later mentions to Stone that he would have to stick around until he was cloned, and if they had that ability it would explain how he survived previously.

Sonic vs Shadow was great. Loved it when we see Sonic just lose his control and literately punched Shadow to the moon when he smacked talked about Tom.

Knuckles was great in this film and I loved all the pop culture references. My only complaint on this film is the lack of any big name music like the first two had.

I loved how everyone got a call back from the previous two films, even if it was just a brief cameo. Loved the ending with mecha sonic things and shadow surviving the explosion.


Pittied fools.
I am still a little confused on the family structure though. So was Marie his cousin or older sister? No word on what happened to their parents. Also, is Robotnik a clone? He later mentions to Stone that he would have to stick around until he was cloned, and if they had that ability it would explain how he survived previously.

My only complaint on this film is the lack of any big name music like the first two had.

Maria is Ivo Robotnik's cousin. While she's always been his cousin, the games have only recently cleared up some things about the family tree (while revealing things that ask more questions). He isn't a clone but I believe some old non canon comics have given him replacement bodies after dying in the plotline. It was probably an offhand comment since he couldn't split attention between Gerald and Stone.

You're the first person I've heard wanting more outside music. The third movie had the most game music which was a common request from fans.


Continuity Nutcase
A deleted scene showed how Ivo survived his defeat in the previous movie.

Agent Stone found him in the wreckage of the giant mech, and carried him away on his back because every single bone in Ivo's body was broken. Ivo then spent a long time recovering in a hospital in Mexico, where he had multiple surgeries performed on his body, which was shown wrapped in a full body cast. It was during this time that he became a fan of telenovelas, which explains why he was seen watching one in the final cut of the movie.

This, and other deleted scenes, can be watched on YouTube.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I'd like to see an extended edition. I know I'm always going to say that, but I doubt I'm the only one here. Sonic 3 is good, but slowing it down would not hurt.


Continuity Nutcase
I'd like to see an extended edition. I know I'm always going to say that, but I doubt I'm the only one here. Sonic 3 is good, but slowing it down would not hurt.
Fair warning that some of the deleted scenes were pretty cringy.

Particularly, there were multiple scenes cut out that featured Ivo as an influencer, filming himself in livestreams for his followers, whom he called "Eggheads". Those scenes explained why, near the end of the movie, he makes a final recording to all his followers. Without those previous scenes, the final recording just comes out of nowhere and feels random. But those other scenes also felt really awkward and like they were written by someone who only vaguely understands what influencers are as a concept, and so we're left with multiple scenes of Jim Carrey trying to act like a wacky influencer and it's really not as funny as his other more Jim Carrey-ish humor in the rest of the movie.


Wondering bot
I'd like to see an extended edition. I know I'm always going to say that, but I doubt I'm the only one here. Sonic 3 is good, but slowing it down would not hurt.

One scene I felt slowed down the movie was the dance scene with the lasers, it felt completely out of place with the tone of things at that moment in time, I know its within Jim Carry's Ivo Robotnik's character to dance but it felt out of place in general but then it might of gone on for a bit to long.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Fair warning that some of the deleted scenes were pretty cringy.

Particularly, there were multiple scenes cut out that featured Ivo as an influencer, filming himself in livestreams for his followers, whom he called "Eggheads". Those scenes explained why, near the end of the movie, he makes a final recording to all his followers. Without those previous scenes, the final recording just comes out of nowhere and feels random. But those other scenes also felt really awkward and like they were written by someone who only vaguely understands what influencers are as a concept, and so we're left with multiple scenes of Jim Carrey trying to act like a wacky influencer and it's really not as funny as his other more Jim Carrey-ish humor in the rest of the movie.

If AOSTH got a reboot, that is 100% something Robotnik would do.


Continuity Nutcase
It also kind of feels like those scenes somewhat interrupted the flow of the movie.

When watching each of them, whatever was happening in the scenes right before and after was brought to an abrupt halt so that Ivo could talk to his phone, upload his recording, read his followers' comments, and then react to what the comments said.

Like, when he and Gerald did their dance routine, Ivo uploaded a video of their dance immediately after they finished, and then reacted to the comments about how "mid" their dance was received by the viewers, when the two Robotniks were kind of on a time crunch needing to get what they came for, yet this scene had them just standing around looking at a phone and bickering about it for longer than was necessary considering the dangerous infiltration mission they were currently in the middle of.

Say what one will about the goofy dance routine itself, but at least that served the purpose of getting the two through the security lasers closer to their objective. The video upload scene that was cut right after, however, just stalled both their progress and that of the movie.


Pittied fools.

Discovered this video and I'm liking this creator. He's doing level analysis from the perspective of art, structure, and vibes on how they affect gameplay. And by doing that he's able to point out what Sonic Forces does right while critiquing where Shadow Generations does better. Also, it's nice to see actual joy? Some Sonic content creators seem to enjoy complaining more than the games. Or talking down design decisions rather than trying to examine the why.


Eorzean Idiot

I would just like this time to remind everyone that I'm a Nintendo fanboy. Back in the days of the great Console War, I was team Nintendo all the way and anyone who owned a Genesis was a moron and a sucker.

That being said...anyone for some revenge guac?


This is how a unicorn comments
I was only team Nintendo because I couldn't afford two systems. I'm pretty sure I did know people with a Genesis, but they would have like four games for the thing.

I swear that's how I first played Toy Story and Home Alone though.

My love for Sonic pretty much came solely from the cartoons.


Eorzean Idiot
I played Sonic before I ever played it on my Nintendo/PlayStation consoles, whether it was because friends had a Genesis or stores had one set up or something. Now I was able to get a Genesis cheap on Ebay. Honestly, with only a couple exceptions, I still prefer Nintendo games over Sega. Mario > Sonic. Final Fight > Streets of Rage. Although, Sega Mortal Kombat > Nintendo Mortal Kombat. Sega Robocop vs. Terminator >>> Nintendo Robocop vs Terminator.

Though lets be real, Mari > Sonic, but I still love Sonic. Final Fight > Streets of Rage, but I still love Streets of Rage...3 and IV.

Thanks goodness for growing up...and eBay...and Keanu Reeves as Shadow.

Hah! Brought it back to Sonic!

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Genesis guy here. we got a NES literally the summer 1992, right before the SNES was released. So we had that for a long while. However, in the summer of 1995, I wanted to get a new console, mainly for X-men and Shanghai 2 on the Genesis. So we got that instead of a SNES. It was fun, and we got the model 1 console from TRU that came with both Sonic 1 and Sonic 2. Immediately, we got X-men as our third game, then Shanghai, and then a ton of others, as the system had been out for 6 years at that point. I remember my dad getting me Sonic Spinball for Christmas that year. And as a kid, that game rocked.

Eventually we got a SNES bundled with Link to the Past, but we were still a Sega house.
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The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I played Sonic before I ever played it on my Nintendo/PlayStation consoles, whether it was because friends had a Genesis or stores had one set up or something. Now I was able to get a Genesis cheap on Ebay. Honestly, with only a couple exceptions, I still prefer Nintendo games over Sega. Mario > Sonic. Final Fight > Streets of Rage. Although, Sega Mortal Kombat > Nintendo Mortal Kombat. Sega Robocop vs. Terminator >>> Nintendo Robocop vs Terminator.

Though lets be real, Mari > Sonic, but I still love Sonic. Final Fight > Streets of Rage, but I still love Streets of Rage...3 and IV.

Thanks goodness for growing up...and eBay...and Keanu Reeves as Shadow.

Hah! Brought it back to Sonic!

Genesis Shadowrun > SNES Shadowrun


Eorzean Idiot
Never played Shadowrun. I'll always be a Nintendo boy at heart. Having gotten a Genesis though, I can see a lot of fun games there. I like Super Castlevania IV more than Bloodlines, but Bloodlines is also a fun game. I like Turtles in Time more that Hyperstone Heist, but Hyperstone Heist is also a fun game (and the main reason I got a Genesis in the first place).

I will say that Genesis does do some games better than Nintendo: Mortal Kombat (if you have the 6-button controller), Robocop vs. Terminator. SNES does some games better than Genesis: Street Fighter II (with or without 6-button controller), Spiderman and the X-Men.

As far as exclusives, let's just say they both have their exclusives and they're both great. I will always love Zelda, Mario, Metroid among others. At the same time, I've also grown to love Sonic, Altered Beast, Shinobi among others.

Over all, good for both of us having given both consoles a try. We're better off for it.

By the way, when I say "SNES Street Fighter > Genesis Street Fighter" or "Genesis Mortal Kombat > SNES Mortal Kombat"...can we both agree that "Arcade>>>>>>>>>>>>>Console" in both cases?


This is how a unicorn comments
Eventually we got a SNES bundled with Link's Awakening, but we were still a Sega house.
Hmmm so you either got an unofficial bundle that came with a gameboy game (and hopefully a Super Gameboy if you wanted to play that on the SNES) Or you meant to say "A Link to the Past" :p

Possibly shameful thing for me to admit here, but I got into collecting Sonic games after getting a Dreamcast and playing through Sonic Adventure. Which I loved. I thought Sonic Adventure 2 was even better.

Then I went back and tried some of the old 2D games and... Yeah I don't like them...

I'm pretty much a 3D Sonic game fan only.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Hmmm so you either got an unofficial bundle that came with a gameboy game (and hopefully a Super Gameboy if you wanted to play that on the SNES) Or you meant to say "A Link to the Past" :p

Possibly shameful thing for me to admit here, but I got into collecting Sonic games after getting a Dreamcast and playing through Sonic Adventure. Which I loved. I thought Sonic Adventure 2 was even better.

Then I went back and tried some of the old 2D games and... Yeah I don't like them...

I'm pretty much a 3D Sonic game fan only.

Yup. To be fair, I played and beat Link's Awakening on the OG Gameboy before we got Link to the Past.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
I was a staunch Nintendo fanboy early on. After all, how dare these jerks at that other company try to come in and take my Mario away from me by putting Nintendo out of business? The sheer, unmitigated gall.

But, uh, that Sonic game... that does look kinda neat. But that's like, ONE game. And besides, he's just ripping off Mario, anyway.

Then I move back to my old hometown, and when school starts, I reconnect with an old friend, and... oh, he has a Genesis. He's one of those.

Well, we share other interests. We can probably make it work.

Eventually, I got a Super NES, as God intended. And we'd play SNES games at my place, and Genesis games at his... and occasionally bring our consoles over when we'd go visit.

We had our feuds, though. We'd concede that sure, the other platform had its perks, but ours was the better one.

That is, until 1993. Star Fox. Super Metroid.

1994. Mega Man X. Hell, that was enough to get him to throw the flag right there, even as Sonic 3 came out parallel to it.

And then, of course, the killing blow: Donkey Kong Country.

He'd wind up getting a Super NES of his own.

Me? Well, the Sonic games were cool, but it would take something special, something that really connected with me beyond the usual Mario and Sonic and all that noise before I'd put money down on a SEGA.



Yeah, that did it.

Each system had their Marios or Sonics, their Castlevanias, their Contras, their TMNT... they'd both have their Mega Man games, but that's another thing entirely.

But Garfield was still red hot at the time, and only one of the two platforms had a game.

I saved my money up with the intention of getting a Nomad and the game, but holy hell, those things were expensive! I figured the price would have come down with the next gen rolling out, but no. Fortunately, prices had come down on Genesis 2 hardware, and so I got a nice bundle featuring Sonic 3, Sonic & Knuckles, and a six button pad... plus Garfield.

Still have 'em all. Just wish I had the box for the Genesis still.

...and that the Sonic games had come with boxes.

Of course, what really put my loyalty to Nintendo to the test wasn't SEGA... it was Sony.

And it wasn't Garfield, but -- as you might have guessed -- Mega Man.

PlayStation had it. All of it. Nintendo did not.

...I did have a Nintendo 64 first, mind, but once it became clear to me that yeah, Mega Man wasn't going to be there, I wasn't about to wait until the end of the generation to break party lines.

From there, I've usually gotten Nintendo platforms around launch (save GBA), but have been less resistant to other platforms.

Aside: Still looking to own a SEGA Saturn one day.

And a Master System.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I was a staunch Nintendo fanboy early on. After all, how dare these jerks at that other company try to come in and take my Mario away from me by putting Nintendo out of business? The sheer, unmitigated gall.

But, uh, that Sonic game... that does look kinda neat. But that's like, ONE game. And besides, he's just ripping off Mario, anyway.

Then I move back to my old hometown, and when school starts, I reconnect with an old friend, and... oh, he has a Genesis. He's one of those.

Well, we share other interests. We can probably make it work.

Eventually, I got a Super NES, as God intended. And we'd play SNES games at my place, and Genesis games at his... and occasionally bring our consoles over when we'd go visit.

We had our feuds, though. We'd concede that sure, the other platform had its perks, but ours was the better one.

That is, until 1993. Star Fox. Super Metroid.

I just want to say how big of a deal Star Fox was. Like beyond its popularity, its technical abilities were outstanding at the time. It was a huge deal for the SNES.

1994. Mega Man X. Hell, that was enough to get him to throw the flag right there, even as Sonic 3 came out parallel to it.

And then, of course, the killing blow: Donkey Kong Country.

This right here. Nintendo won the 16-bit console wars with its persistence. DKC was a huge push for them. I think that was the first time that they sent out VHS tapes to people to hype up the game. (On a side note, I just want to say how crazy it was that we all had VCRs in the 90s, and people could just send you VHS tapes and expect you to be able to watch it) I remember getting one in the mail for DKC, and it really made us excited for this game. We got it that Christmas, and had a ton of fun showing it off at the Grandparents' house to all the cousins.

He'd wind up getting a Super NES of his own.

Me? Well, the Sonic games were cool, but it would take something special, something that really connected with me beyond the usual Mario and Sonic and all that noise before I'd put money down on a SEGA.

View attachment 27083

Yeah, that did it.

Each system had their Marios or Sonics, their Castlevanias, their Contras, their TMNT... they'd both have their Mega Man games, but that's another thing entirely.

But Garfield was still red hot at the time, and only one of the two platforms had a game.

As a huge Garfield fan in the 90s I am surprised that I didn't get this one. Heck, I don't even think I have heard of it.

I saved my money up with the intention of getting a Nomad and the game, but holy hell, those things were expensive! I figured the price would have come down with the next gen rolling out, but no. Fortunately, prices had come down on Genesis 2 hardware, and so I got a nice bundle featuring Sonic 3, Sonic & Knuckles, and a six button pad... plus Garfield.

Still have 'em all. Just wish I had the box for the Genesis still.

...and that the Sonic games had come with boxes.

Me too! I still have my SNES box that my brother saved but my Genesis box is long gone.

Of course, what really put my loyalty to Nintendo to the test wasn't SEGA... it was Sony.

And it wasn't Garfield, but -- as you might have guessed -- Mega Man.

PlayStation had it. All of it. Nintendo did not.

...I did have a Nintendo 64 first, mind, but once it became clear to me that yeah, Mega Man wasn't going to be there, I wasn't about to wait until the end of the generation to break party lines.

I remember we got the PS1 to play Final Fantasy 7. It was such an epic game! I eventually got a N64 from EB Games when I was in college, around 2005. Jungle green with the controller for $20.

From there, I've usually gotten Nintendo platforms around launch (save GBA), but have been less resistant to other platforms.

Why the hate for the GBA? Granted I didn't get one until 2004.....

Aside: Still looking to own a SEGA Saturn one day.

And a Master System.

I have a Saturn and a few games that I got for helping out my local retro game store. My cousin had one back int he day, and it was a fun system. I haven't ever been tempted by Master system though. Something about the boxart and the games I have seen for it, just makes me ignore it.

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