In playing a few games and listening to music across the years, I discovered or reconfirmed things about my tastes in Sonic music. I'm Here and Vandalize didn't feel like they fit in, especially since people kept saying it gave them nostalgic feelings for the Adventure era. But I realized my tastes are quite 90s (mostly...) and that while the songs don't quite feel like early 2000s
Sonic, they do feel like early 2000s rock. It's not for me but I'm happy other fans enjoy it.
But speaking of the positive emotions of others...
今年度展開しているソニックのIP活動「PROJECT SONIC '22(ツーツー)」では、ソニックフロンティアやソニックオリジンズなどのゲームに加えて、物販やソーシャルメディ...
So...they made an article (in both English and Japanese) about the new Sonic Team logo animation. On it's face it might not feel like that big a deal but it's part of a collected mounting hype for this game. It feels like Sonic Team is genuinely proud of the end result of this game. All around people's opinion has shifted from the unsurety of that first IGN trailer to proclaiming Sonic Frontiers will make "Frontrillion" dollars. It's quite the turnaround and it's kinda infectious.