Sony Play Station Store - Games From The PS1 - PS3 Era


Active member
Here's my deal with digital games.

You buy a game and sooner or later it's off the server due to lisence expieration.

The company that hosted the game when it first came out changes to Amazon or somebody.

Then you're out the purchase price of the games.

So for this reason I have a PS1 mini and the games on blue flash drives and the games I plan to
play on PS2 and PS3 game disks.

Games on the PS store get delisted at some point.

Tomb Raider may suffer the same fate soon due to Amazon.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I remain utterly shocked that Sony is actually honoring many of the old purchases I made under their “old system”. If a game hasn’t been “remastered”, there’s an even chance they still honor the license I have for that game. When I got my PS5 last year, I was shocked to be able to redownload PSP/PSOne titles like Twisted Metal 2, multiple Syphon Filters, Tekken 2, Jeanne d’Arc, Herc’s Adventures, Hot Shots Golf, Wild Arms, and many more.

But I still grumble because it is DAMN obvious they could have done this at any time for the PS4 but just decided not to.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Here's my deal with digital games.

You buy a game and sooner or later it's off the server due to lisence expieration.

The company that hosted the game when it first came out changes to Amazon or somebody.

Then you're out the purchase price of the games.

So for this reason I have a PS1 mini and the games on blue flash drives and the games I plan to
play on PS2 and PS3 game disks.

Games on the PS store get delisted at some point.

Tomb Raider may suffer the same fate soon due to Amazon.
May I please close the gap between "Play" and "Station" in your thread title?

Not that I have a particular affinity for the brand, but it drives me crazy every time I see it nevertheless.

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