Spider-Man: No Way Home

Powered Convoy

Ben was never named in the MCU, but it's obvious there was a Ben who had recently died. There's two references to May dealing with loss in Civil War and Homecoming, and she wears a wedding ring around her neck. There's also the suitcase in FFH which in monogrammed 'BFP'. The general theory before NWH, and seems to have been solidified by it, is that there was a Ben, he died, but it was nothing to do with Peter or Spider-Man, just something like illness or accident.
He was also mentioned in What If, if one considers any references in that canon.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Btw, I was rewatching No Way Home and I think everybody will have to rewatch it again when Multiverse of Madness shows.

There's those weeeeird stuff Andrew Garfield was saying when he went thru the portal the first time. Same thing with Tobey Maguire. Like 'i met you before' etc etc.

So I'm assuming they'll appear in Multiverse for the first time to explain that then it backtracks to No Way Home.

Probably. Maybe?

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I finally got a chance to watch this movie this weekend and loved it!

My only grief with it is that we will never see the reformed villians returned home. I did love seeing Doc Ock again, especially once he got his chip. The Spiderman interactions were all great, and I really liked that Toby was a more mature seasoned hero.

Ultimately, I just loved all of this film, and I can't wait to see where they go from here with it.


Eorzean Idiot
Okay, I'm pretty much...very much...absolutely and totally on major super hero flick fatigue and my give-a-shitness for Marvel and Disney in particular is non existent. HOWEVER...for the Sony bits and for seeing Maguire and Garfield in the role again...I what-the-hugged it and bought this.

Holy crap, that was good! Tobey has definitely gotten older, but he's still totally Spiderman. I avoided spoilers (except for the fact that Sony movie characters would be back), so some parts really took me by surprise. This movie did not pull any punches. And the villains...holy crap the villains!

Super-hero flick fatigue notwithstanding...this movie was amazing!


Eorzean Idiot
Okay...totally unrelated, but I just realized I turned "give a jive" into a noun and "what the hug" into a verb. Is it just me or is English totally hugged?


Well-known member
Okay...totally unrelated, but I just realized I turned "give a jive" into a noun and "what the hug" into a verb. Is it just me or is English totally hugged?
It's not just you. English is a language that's always actively seeking out new additions and changes. I've heard it likened to it dragging other languages into dark alleys and robbing them of their more interesting bits.


Well-known member
Okay, now I've watched it. Well, most of it. The bits between the arrest and going to the Sanctum were nails on chalkboard for me, I ended up fast-forwarding.

I did like the rest of the movie from that point on, though.



Active member
I love that he breaks the mask in the beginning.

Although he may be from another universe/continuity, Dafoe's Green Goblin is now right up there among the best (and vying for the title of downright scariest) MCU villain.

I also really appreciate how the film tweaked Electro, restoring his physical body and a degree of sanity, upon absorbing the electricity of a "foreign" universe. He was easily the worst of the villains imported for this film, but the MCU managed to bring out the best in him and made him a decent character.


Well-known member
One of the best things of NWH is it basically 'fixing' some of the flaws of the previous movies, but Dafoe is still easily the absolute best part of the movie. It's gonna be nearly impossible to top his Green Goblin


Eorzean Idiot
I just find it interesting how in the original movie I couldn't take Green Goblin seriously because of the mask. He was probably one of the least threatening villains of the Spider Man movies. But when they took away the mask in this one, creepiness factor went through the roof.

Electro also massively benefited from this movie.


Continuity Nutcase
Although he may be from another universe/continuity, Dafoe's Green Goblin is now right up there among the best (and vying for the title of downright scariest) MCU villain.
Scarier than Kilgrave?

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