Stellar Blade

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Hm, looks like it's 20 bucks off at Gamestop as part of their Black Friday sale. Might take a look tomorrow.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Finished the first run yesterday, got the "Making New Memories" ending. While the costumes range from "kinda cool" to "looks like someone told a bad AI to generate a 'sexy cyberpunk swimsuit' and just went with it", it's a pretty solid action game under the gratuitous fanservice. Like Nier Automata, but with the body horror enemy style of Control.

But now it's bothering me that I missed one can, and it's past the point of no return, in an area with no fast travel points between two closed off points, so I guess I'm going again. On the plus side, now I can one-shot minibosses that gave me a rough time the first playthrough, so this will go a lot faster.


Eorzean Idiot
There a bunch of things you can only get through new game +. And with all the levels and knowledge gained, New Game + goes by rather quickly. I actually enjoyed going through it multiple times if for no other reason, it's really the only way to max out your stats. It's also an easy game to Plat...but it does require multiple play throughs.

I most just really enjoyed collecting stuff.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
A patch today adds a Christmas tree to Xion, along with some holiday themed clothes and accessories. The Rudolph set for the drone is kinda terrifying.


Eorzean Idiot
I'll have to check that out. Thank for the heads up!


Eorzean Idiot

And Merry Christmas to all!

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Two endings down. Only missing three trophies for the platinum (so, four counting the platinum itself), but also have other stuff to play. Considering one of those trophies is, naturally, the third ending, do I want to run through again so soon?


Eorzean Idiot
If you've been doing new game + instead of starting fresh(which is kinda necessary for maxing out stats for some of the trophies), any one playthrough shouldn't take that long.

I honestly played this three times back to back. But I'm not most people I understand.

If you're only missing three trophies, I would look up what they are and make a plan on how to snag them all this playthrough.

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