Street Fighter General


Active member
I have the following

Street Fighter Alpha Trilogy
Street Fighter EX 1 and 2
Street Fighter III
Street Fighter IV
Street Fighter The Movie (live game)

Most I play on PS Mini and SF III on PS 2.

Eventually I'll get EX 3 Plus on PS 2.


Eorzean Idiot
I have the following

Street Fighter Alpha Trilogy
Street Fighter EX 1 and 2
Street Fighter III
Street Fighter IV
Street Fighter The Movie (live game)

Most I play on PS Mini and SF III on PS 2.

Eventually I'll get EX 3 Plus on PS 2.
Okay, I guess we're doing this then

Super Street Fighter II (don't have a PC I can play it on anymore, but I still own it)

Street Fighter II Turbo
Street Fighter Alpha 2

Street Fighter II Special Champion Edition

Marvel Vs. Capcom

Playstation 2
Street Fighter Anniversary Collection (includes Street Fighter III Third Strike, Hyper Super Street Fighter II Anniversary Edition)
Street Fighter Ex 3

Capcom Vs. SNK 2 EO

Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom (physical)
Super Street Fighter II (Digital)

Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition (physical)
Street Fighter II Turbo (Digital)
Super Street Fighter II (Digital)
Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Digital)

Playstation 3
Super Street Fighter IV (fully updated to the final version)
Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 (physical)
Street Fighter X Tekken (physical)
Darkstalkers Resurrection (digital)
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (digital)
Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 (digital)
Street Fighter Alpha (PS 1 version digital)
Darkstalkers (PS1 version digital)

Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max (damaged disk doesn't work)

Street Fighter Alpha (PS1 version digital)
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max (digital)

Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (both physical and digital)
Ultra Street Fighter II The Final Challengers (physical)

Street Fighter V (physical)

Street Fighter 6 (physical)
Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite (digital)
Ultra Street Fighter IV (digital via PS+)
Street Fighter V (digital via PS+)
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (digital)
Darkstalkers Resurrection (digital via PS+)
Capcom Arcade Stadium (digital)
Capcom Arcade Stadium 2 (digital)
Capcome Fighting Collection (digital)

Arcade 1UP
Includes: Street Fighter II Champion Edition, Super Street Fighter II, Super Street Fighter II Turbo
Medium kick button is busted on Player 1 side.

SNES mini console
Street Fighter II Turbo

Genesis mini console
Street Fighter II Special Champion Edition


Those are just the games. Lets not even get into the movies, anime, comics, coffee table books, player guides, toys...

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
I hope someday to own a complete Street Fighter movie collection: The video releases, the games, the action figures, the comic book, just the whole nine yards.

Right now, I have... two versions of the movie, I think.

It's... not going so well.


Eorzean Idiot

Here's what you'll need to find.

Street Fighter II V
Good luck finding it. It's also very hard to sit through.

Street Fighter IV: The Ties That Bind
It came with a collector's edition of SF IV. It's only 65 minutes. I don't think it was ever sold outside the collector's edition.

Street Fighter Alpha: The Movie
Kinda meh, but it's Street Fighter and it exist.

Street Fighter Alpha Generations
Been a while since I've watched this. No clear memories of it to be honest. That alone should say something.

Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie: Collectors Edition
Get this at all costs. Completely uncut with Japanese, NA English and UK English tracks. This is the definitive version.

Street Fighter (Van Damme/Raul Julia)
Some people actually like this for its cheese. It has it's quotable moments, but I never could get into it.

Street Fighter: Legend of Chun Li
If you absolutely must have every SF film that exists, this exists. Don't spend more than $5 on it.

Street Fighter: Assassi's Fist
This is really good. Definitely nab it if you can find it. It's 2 1/2 hours long, so set aside enough time to see it.


Eorzean Idiot

Okay, so, this dropped.

I'm so excited to see Elena back. She's not a character I've ever actually used. Never could get a handle on her. But I do like her as a character. Bison is a surprise since I thought he was supposed to be dead at this point. And two Fatal Fury guests? Okay, SF 6 is getting good.

I do still hope for an eventual Sakura.


Eorzean Idiot
Terry has dropped. I've never been big into SNK games , but he does feel pretty cool to use.


I’m not dead yet!
I know Terry more from the Fatal Fury Animes from the 90's than games really. I've had CvS 2001 years ago but it wasn't until Smash brought him back that I got to play him in any way for an amount of time. Though I did like the interaction in his Arcade mode he has with Ken since it acknowledges them meeting before.


Eorzean Idiot
I have Capcom vs. SNK 2EO for GameCube...

Even at that, I always used the Capcom characters.


Eorzean Idiot
Wow! A bit late to the party, aren't they? What happened?


Eorzean Idiot
Also, Mai is out now. She's actually pretty fun to use. I might put her up as one of my mains.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Wow! A bit late to the party, aren't they? What happened?
Way I heard it -- not sure it was confirmed -- there was some sort of update to the Xbox development kit that doesn't play nice with Capcom's MT Framework, which several of their collections (including Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection) use to run.

I guess demand got through, and they figured it out, but as a result, it came later than the other versions. Didn't expect a shadow-drop, though.


Eorzean Idiot
I just got Final Fight 2 for the SNES from eBay tonight. I was. Considering starting a new thread for it, but since it shares a universe with Street Fighter, I figured I'd just put it here. I grew up with Final Fight. When it came to arcade side-scrolling brawlers, there was TMNT and then there was Final Fight. I could round up a Top 5 with some others, but Turtles and Final Fight were always my top 2.

So you know what this means. Yes, another ranking. But don't worry too much. There's only four games in this.

Final Fight
Played On: Arcade, SNES, PSP, Advance, Wii, WiiU, PS3, PS4, Switch, Arcade 1Up

So, Wii and WiiU were simple ports of the SNES version. The Advance was its own thing. The others were more or less faithful "arcade perfect" ports.

I grew up playing this. Arcades had this game. Walmart had this game. It was everywhere. It was a huge part of my childhood.

Now I know there's not a whole lot of love for the SNES version in general. It was heavily censored. It was missing Guy and an entire level. The SNES could only handle 3 enemies on the screen at a time. It was very stripped down.

But on the other hand, this was very early gen SNES, like before Turtles in Time. If I remember, it wasn't far off from being a launch title. So when you think that the last home port of an Arcade game was TMNT II for the NES, great game, but very, very far from the Arcade version. So having anything remotely resembling the arcade experience was really something at the time.

And now that I have several sources for playing arcade accurate versions, this will always be a game I come back to again and again.

Rating S

Final Fight 2
Played on: SNES, Wii, WiiU

I never really owned this while growing up. I don't even have any memories of even renting it. So I don't Have the nostalgia for this one that I have for the original. Still, it's a great brawler. I really love the character Maki and really wish she'd make another appearance in the Street Fighter World. It has the 2 Player, 3 character charm that they weren't able to fit into the SNES version of the first game.

I do wish there would have been an Arcade version of this. Call me a cheap ass S.O.B. but do you know what I really like about some of those arcade perfect ports? Infinite credits. Now sure, maybe that makes it too easy. Impossible to lose, really. But it also gives me the whole story even though I suck too much to make it to the end of some of these with limited lives.

Now when I rate this, try to remember, I simply do not have the nostalgia for this that I have for the orignal. I've also never beaten it and seen how it ends. However, I do absolutely love having more Final Fight brawling in my hands and I do love Maki. So...

Rating A+

Final Fight 3
Played on: Wii, WiiU

So have you have had a situation where technically a sequel was better. It had better graphics. It implemented and new power meter to give you more options. Instead of three characters to choose from, you now have four. In every way it should leave the others in the dust.

The thing is, like 2, I don't have the same nostalgia for this as I do the original. Unfortunately, unlike 2, this one really just did not hit me right. The characters now have special moves as well as a super meter. I'm sure some people loved this. But I love the elegance in the simplicity of the older brawlers. You have a jump button. You have a punch button. If you press both at the same time, you have a desperaton move that hurts everyone around you badly, but also takes away some of your life. It's two buttons. It's simple.

To me, they just changed too much from the other games.

Now don't get me wrong, though. It's still a good game. I like having Guy back. I like Lucia. Can't say I've used Dean much.

But without the nostalgia and more complicated controls for something best left simple...

Rating B

Final Fight Streetwise
Played on: PS2

Now to be fair, I didn't like playing much on the PS2. I bought it from GameStop, but I bought it used and it had a very used, garage sale type feeling. So there weren't too many games I actually enjoyed playing on PS2.

But of all the very crazy cheap games I was able to get my hands on, this is also the only game I returned to Disc Replay...and I kept Dirge of Cerberus and Street Fighter EX3.

I didn't play it much just because it was such drudgery. As much as I heard "stay away from this one, it's no good," I was thinking that, hey, I'm a big fan of the franchise. Besides, it's super cheap. What's the worst that could happen. Well, I mean, the worst that happened was that I didn't like it and sold it back to Disc Replay. Hardly the end of the world. But, yes, it sucked hard.

Rating F


Eorzean Idiot
So I just ordered Street Fighter Alpha 3 for the Advance off EBay. I owned it before but I don't see it in my collection now. I can only assume I needed money at some point and sold it to GameStop or Disc Replay or something.

I have it for Vita, but the Vita D-Pad just isn't quite as good for fighting games. But then again, it actually has six buttons. Soooo...tradeoff. I'm mostly getting it for Maki anyway.

When it gets here, I'll probably do a comparison between Advance and Vita. I think the roster is pretty much the same, so it'll probably come down to control (Advance with a better d-pad or Vita with 6 buttons.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders


Eorzean Idiot
So I just ordered Street Fighter Alpha 3 for the Advance off EBay. I owned it before but I don't see it in my collection now. I can only assume I needed money at some point and sold it to GameStop or Disc Replay or something.

I have it for Vita, but the Vita D-Pad just isn't quite as good for fighting games. But then again, it actually has six buttons. Soooo...tradeoff. I'm mostly getting it for Maki anyway.

When it gets here, I'll probably do a comparison between Advance and Vita. I think the roster is pretty much the same, so it'll probably come down to control (Advance with a better d-pad or Vita with 6 buttons.
Okay, my Advance copy arrived tonight. I tested it out on my Advance, Advance SP and my DS. So I'll compare the two versions based on certain criteria.

Advance...well...holy crap I forgot just how tiny the screen is! Even barring that though, the graphics are so much crisper on the Vita. It's like comparing an SNES game to a PS3. There's just no comparison.

Vita wins, no contest.

I actually have to give this one to the Vita too. Same argument. The system capabilities are just too far beyond what the Advance can do. Advance doesn't even have an announcer.

Vita wins, no contest.

I was truly hoping the Advance would win this one in spite of the limited buttons. But...well...

I'm willing to say that the Vita is not as bad as I remember. It's actually fairly easy to get off a hadokin. Super combos are kinda hit and miss and probably the most annoying thing is that the left control stick gets in the way of the d-pad something fierce. It's very annoying. But aside from some his and miss on the super combos, I can't deny it controls pretty well

Meanwhile, I knew that only having four buttons instead of six would be a factor here. But I was hoping getting off moves would make up for it. But no. After trying to play on the Advance, Advance SP and the DS, getting of haokins was okay. Not good, just okay. Meanwhile I couldn't do a super combo to save my life. And I will never understand why after the SNES, anyone in their right mind would release a console, portable or otherwise, with less than 6 buttons.

Vita wins.

Modes of play:

Advance starts with 5 modes with 3 more blacked out. I'm not sure what the other modes are or how to unlock them.

Vita has 15 modes...including what you'd find on the Advance.

Vita wins

Vita 37. Advance 31 with 5 others blacked out, maybe to be unlocked. I can't tell who those five other might be, but at the very least Advance is missing one character and forcing me to unlock 5 others that are just there no problem on the Vita.

Vita wins


Oaf! Look, I knew this had to be a losing prospect for the Advance going into It. The Advance is just an inferior system all around (except for game library size). But I've always been a Nintendo die-hard. I really wanted to find a way to give it a win in some way. But the fact is, the Vita just outshined the Advance port in every possible way. Vita didn't just win, it won hands down.

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