Studio Series discussion


Continuity Nutcase
Every G1 combiner was that big. They were all larger than the sum of their individual parts. In other words, they were all size changers.


Another babka?
My, how the tables have turned.

When CW Devastator came out, people complained that he was too big and out of scale with all of the other Combiners.

Now that we get word of this SS86 Devastator being in scale with his fellow Combiners, people are whining that he should be much bigger than them.
And the fandom rejoiced.
And complained.


Another babka?
"YAY! We get more content... Oh. It kinda sucks..."
I'm more sympathetic to Hasbro because of the choices.
If I want a Magnus who functions as a car carrier I can get one. If I want a Magnus who's more in scale and has the inner robot gimmick I can get it.

Used to be that Hasbro would have gone "we did an updated Devastator not too long ago we're not making another so soon" but this team- for better and worse- isn't afraid to hit the reset button on stuff that's not THAT old.
Now they do in a way where the new thing and not so old old thing appeal to different tastes. If you want Devastator bigger than your other combiners you can do that. If you want him in scale with the others you can get one.

I'm not sure how sustainable it is in the long run but right now Hasbro seems to be trying to give people choices- whether that's repaints that give you toy v Sunbow deco options or two entirely different moulds that emphasize different aspects of popular characters...I see what they're doing.

It is ultimately driven by business- getting people to double dip but no one is forcing you to get this stuff, and if you're content with the earlier versions then you're solid.

But the choice is there, and that's cool.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Combiner Wars Devastator WAS released almost 9 years ago now. MP Magnus was released 7 years ago. It may not feel that long ago to a bunch of us, but it has been a while between both of those and their SS Counterparts. Even when it comes to "cleaned up" remolds, Kingdom Galvatron would be 5 years old by its rumored release, and Springer was about the same. That's not that bad historically for new versions of old characters.


Continuity Nutcase
Combiner Wars Devastator WAS released almost 9 years ago now.
Though, it was reissued just 3 years ago.

Even when it comes to "cleaned up" remolds, Kingdom Galvatron would be 5 years old by its rumored release,
Yet, Legacy Galvatron is still readily available en masse at several Walmarts right now.


Somehow still sane
Devastator will likely be somewhat larger than Menasor. Exactly how much is the question, given the soft scale reboot they’ve implemented with Commander Optimus. That said, I personally don’t care if he is bigger. He’s made of six guys and construction vehicles are pretty big anyway. Never subscribed to the idea that the combiners were all the exact same arbitrarily huge height.

Also, Commander Optimus appears to be out in some way in China. Height comparison:
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Well-known member
Swoop came in stock, shipped overnight from Amazon and is already out for delivery.

-ZacWilliam, about a week earlier than expected.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm less concerned about size and more about it being good enough overall (interesting engineering, sturdy, looks good) to justify replacing the CW one (I can't have both).

Although while I don't mind Devastator being bigger than most combiners, I don't want him THAT MUCH bigger.


Active member
I mean, Devastator wasn't THAT much bigger than the Dinobots. Sludge seems to be as big as Devastator's torso here, and is probably as long, tail to nose, as Devastator is tall, or in the ballpark of.


  • 20130421173733!TFTM_Devastator.jpg
    68.5 KB · Views: 93


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm interested. Devastator is a difficult design, but these designers have learned a lot since Combiner Wars.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
My, how the tables have turned.

When CW Devastator came out, people complained that he was too big and out of scale with all of the other Combiners.

Now that we get word of this SS86 Devastator being in scale with his fellow Combiners, people are whining that he should be much bigger than them.
In my own defense, I was only ever talking about in relation to other SS86 figures.


Another babka?
Combiner Wars Devastator WAS released almost 9 years ago now. MP Magnus was released 7 years ago.
I'm not counting back between MP Magnus and SS 86 Magnus, I'm counting between Kingdom Magnus and SS 86 Magnus. KI Magnus was a 2021 release. SS 86 Magnus was a 2023 release. That we got two entirely different Earth mode G1 Magnuses (Magni?) not even three years apart is wild to me, someone old enough to remember Classics and Universe 2.0 where it felt like once they did an update of that character that was it for a long while.


Continuity Nutcase
I'm not counting back between MP Magnus and SS 86 Magnus, I'm counting between Kingdom Magnus and SS 86 Magnus. KI Magnus was a 2021 release. SS 86 Magnus was a 2023 release. That we got two entirely different Earth mode G1 Magnuses (Magni?) not even three years apart is wild to me, someone old enough to remember Classics and Universe 2.0 where it felt like once they did an update of that character that was it for a long while.
Meanwhile, Thrilling 30 Combiner Wars Ultra Magnus is crying in the corner over how no one remembers him.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Ultra Magnus was a special situation in that the designers weren't willing to pretend they were happy with how Kingdom Magnus turned out. It was a point of professional pride to show us they can do better than that.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I have always been happy with my Siege Ultra Magnus in robot mode, but I admit his alt mode is not the best homage to G1.
Same! He is my mini-masterpiece version of Ultra Magnus but that is primarily because I care more about the bot mode than the alt mode for him.


Continuity Nutcase
Something I've always wanted to see was a big group shot comparing all the different Ultra Magnus toys (CW, Siege, Kingdom, SS86) with each other, as well as with FansProject City Commander since that toy was kinda the first one to really go for the armored look that Hasbro neglected for what felt like so long with just nothing but white Optimus toys, before finally giving us one with CW Ultra Magnus. But alas, I doubt anyone still has all of those toys (including City Commander) to take such a group pic.

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