I really dislike Prime for wasting Peter Cullen's last "peak" years as the voice of Optimus. The movies are whatever but Prime could have been the show to give him one final sendoff and instead they turned Optimus into a boring movie trailer line reader.
"Primes don't party," "Optimus never uses contractions."
First, he's not Data from Star Trek. Secondly G1 had Optimus playing basketball and cracking dad jokes at the word "boobies"
At least we got some of that in Rescue Bots. Kinda.

I didn't care for any of the Prime kids. For my money Armada had the best human kid characters. I revisited the show recently. They are, strangely for the rushjob Armada was, pretty decently written and feel like kids.
Knock-knock, Rescue Bots calling!
Rescue Bots was somehow the best thing to come out of Aligned.
Am I the only one that liked Kicker from TF:Energon?
He's alright. I like his girlfriend more.
I think I liked the Cybertron trio, too.
On the subject of Prime, I would still love to see BH Prime in Studio Series.
What can I say? Just something I like about the show version more.
Oh, and this:
On an unrelated but on-topic note, do we know when SS86 Steeljaw is due out?
I was at GameStop earlier, and they were almost devoid of any TFs -- told me they were all basically sold to pre-orders as soon as they come in.
And it's like... okay, then. I didn't know we could pre-order them there, but I don't mind the assurance. So I try to pre-order Steeljaw...
And I can't.
I was, however, able to put in one for Legacy G1 Optimus, which they have slated for a January release.
Meanwhile, Steeljaw says October on their page.
So, I could pre-order the one coming out next year, but not the one coming out in two months.
Whatever. But I notice Amazon is similarly set up, though. Legacy OP? No problem. SS Steeljaw? Noooooope.