At least 2, possibly 3 for me.
Criminy, what even is my G1 -- like, my actual G1 or G1 repro -- collection these days?I ordered two of the G1 version and one of the prototype. Like I said before, I just really, really want these in my G1 collection - and have ever since I saw the '86 movie. My inner 10-year-old self is doing backflips!
G1-G2, tomato-tomatoSix of those are G2 molds.
I was too young for G1, so the only actually vintage G1 figure I have is an incomplete Thrust my uncle gave me when I was like 5-6 years old (literally missing everything except the wings, tail fins, and landing gear - I even lost his nosecone at some point and that's not even an accessory).
Everything else is reissues and even then it's only like...a reissue Optimus Prime, the Vintage G1 Bumblebee, Swerve, and Soundwave, and God Ginrai.
God I hate how God Ginrai is one of my favorite figures I own and it's the only goddamn toy I own that suffers from GPS (or well BPS in this case considering its his blue plastic that breaks). Like I could replace it because, from my research, it was only the Takara reissues from the early 2000s that have this issue with the blue plastic, the vintage figure or the Hasbro reissues from the same time are fine. So if I don't wanna risk it, I could get the Hasbro Powermaster Prime with Apex Armor but goddamn those are like $250 to $300 new on eBay.
My confession is, while I haven't done so yet, I've got no issues with buying those Chinese G1 KO reissues off eBay, especially for ones that Hastak has never reissued due to the molds no longer existing. Y'know if my options for a G1 figure are: pay a pretty penny for one in really good quality, pay a cheaper price for a knackered one that was obviously well-played with (which I'm fine with if it's just something like 'the stickers are worn' or 'there's some slight paint chipping on the diecast parts' but less so if it's 'actually broken'), or pay a cheaper price for a fresh and brand-new KO reissue...yeah I'd go for the KO.