Tell Your Tale Discussion Thread-Salute Our Shorts


This is how a unicorn comments
Eh for me music really just boils down to: "Do I like the flow?" Which I know isn't an explanation, but it's all I've got.

Like I know people enjoy "Stop the Bats" But all I hear are these weird pauses like the singers are having to stop in the middle of the song to read the next few lines. It just sounds very off putting.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I do like the Danny Elfman sound, so that helps. But context is part of it. I was entertained just by the attempt to have their spooky episode's music sound like Danny Elfman. It's fitting, and that's the only reason they did it. No one ran it by a committee. Daniel Ingram felt like it would be fun and fitting, so he went for it. And he nailed it. I heard the inspiration immediately. And it doesn't sound like any song in the series that wasn't trying to do the same thing.

G5's songs could have been composed with no idea what episodes they were going to be used in, or what the tone of those episodes was going to be, and I don't know if the result would be any different from what we got. It all sounds the same to me.


This is how a unicorn comments
Really makes me wish I could put into words what I feel or sense when I listen to music. 'Stop the Bats' to me just fails in every sense.

Listening to it again, and then Allura's song. Perhaps one way I can put it is to me it feels like Allura began to sing and the music/rhythm/flow was made to fit her voice and words. I can sense the emotion in it, her sorrow and hope. It just goes together perfectly and is amazing.

I don't sense anything from Stop the Bats. It feels like they made up the tune to match what they wanted to parody and then had the characters awkwardly try to match the pacing of the music. Resulting in something that to me feels like it was rushed out to meet a deadline. It needs polish.

But we remember my most hated song is that Flim and Flam cider song, and that's like on everyone's top ten, so I just don't know what it is I can't sense, but something isn't there and it ruins the songs.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I actually agree with all of that. Allura's song is well written and sung well enough, and the music fits the flow of the singing rather than feeling like vice versa. It's Allura's moment. The music is joining her in what she's expressing.

The music itself just does nothing for me. Mute the singing, play me the music from a couple G5 songs, and there is not a chance in the world I could identify any of them. Not a one. I'm no fan of the cider song either, but I think I'd recognize the music.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.

Bespoke water park. Yup. It was worth it for one scene right at the beginning when comet is clearly laughing only because the boss made a joke. You'll know it when you see it. Otherwise, and I hate to be like this, it kind of feels like entirely and afterthought.

Edit: just realized, one of the last lines in the episode was "Well, it was fun while it lasted"... Hitting kinda hard right now.
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
This episode was definitely supposed to air a couple months ago.


These ponies seem like they don't have enough to do, yet Allura is out there.

I live in unending Florida heat, and I recognize this form of delirium. Comet must be dying.

This is an ambitious plan for ponies who didn't build any of this. ... Nevermind. They get magically gifted the water park too.

I'm not going to miss G5 music.

I wonder if this was another undeveloped MYM episode.

"Well, it was fun while it lasted."

Well, it was fun while it lasted.


This is how a unicorn comments
Not a bad episode, but yeah the fact this is likely the last one we're getting just.... it sucks. We get no conclusion to anything. Best I can hope for is a comic book that ties some stuff up.

We'll see what G6 might give us but honestly Hasbro killed Power Rangers and then they killed G5 and I just can't muster up much faith in them right now.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Was Power Rangers doing all that well before Hasbro bought it, or was it already in decline?


This is how a unicorn comments
Was Power Rangers doing all that well before Hasbro bought it, or was it already in decline?
I can't say for certain if it's just been in decline for years now. I do know that it seemed to be doing alright. It's been going for 30 years, but hasbro did Cosmic Fury on Netflix, likely didn't get the millions of views they wanted, and decided that was that. The reboot talk and everything seems to have stopped. If you ask about it in the Power Ranger thread, they might be able to tell you better than I.


Well-known member
Well, here we are. The end of the road. It's been a long journey. Let's see where we end up.

I'm guessing from this being a episode about a waterpark that this isn't any sort of proper conclusion. That's a shame. Not surprising, but a shame.

Oh, the irony of doing a episode about a hot summer day right when winter's starting to come. I guess if this had aired during the "planned" weekly schedule before they changed it to bi-weekly uploads, it probably would have aired in June or July?

Everyone's gone because the entire Board-Trot smells like sweaty horses.

Izzy knows the importance of proper sun preparation. And military maneuvers.

"Nice one!" He's so supportive!

That rainbow umbrella seems like it wouldn't keep the rain or sun off you at ALL. It's too curved!

Well...that brings new meaning to the term "drinking a smoothie". Luckily, all of Sunny's smoothie cups have been made of ice this entire time!

Even the tumbleweed salesman took the day off, and she's a workaholic!

The sun is melting their brains!

Izzy PLEASE stop drinking the micro-plastics. I'm pretty sure they're not good for you.

Wait, Izzy can just imagine things into existence any time she wants?! a GOD?! I mean, I guess someone has to take over Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight's powers. But, I guess she just got the majority of them!

A New Waterpark! What a fun new place to explore! ...That they're never going to get to use...oh I made myself sad. Oh well, the Maretime Bay zoning commission would have a FIELD DAY with fines for magically building something like this without a permit, anyway. The Board-Trot was already here, they just fixed it up. But a Water Park would cause trouble with the local fishing lanes and migratory patterns, it'd be a mess.

That's some NICE animation of them going down the waterslide. They didn't get to do it often, but they did put a lot of work into this show. All the animators should be proud of what they made!


Ah, guardponies with nothing better to do than prank each other. It's kind of sweet...until you remember the 200 pound ice-cat that lives in a cave just over thataway. They really should be taking their jobs more seriously but...meh, it's the last episode, what could happen? We'll let it (water) slide.

Even Posey is having fun with Dahlia. Posey's joy and happiness is justified count...1! (I had to bring it back one last time)

*Alphabittle getting Queen Haven all wet* Hmm...Pipp and Zipp are going to have stuff to talk about in therapy this week, I see.

And video evidence to boot! "Aww, they're cute" At least Pipp has the right attitude about it, I guess.

Izzy can also destroy anything she creates with her imagination. Good to know.

Zipp still looks good with the wet mane look.

" was fun while it lasted" Oof...they knew. Ouch.

"I think it looks nice like that" Heh. A man after my own heart.

I know it's the same every episode, but it's a little sad that the characters are all waving "goodbye" in the credits, one last time.

And so, Tell Your Tale ends. Not with a bang. And not with a whimper. But, with a splash. And...I suppose that's good enough. I'm going to miss this show. I'll miss these characters. They had a good run. Not a perfect run, but a good one.

And I just want to remind's not quite over yet! We still have the 3 issues of the comics left! (2 Storm of Zephyr Heights issues, and 1 Classics Illustrated issue).


We'll see what G6 might give us but honestly Hasbro killed Power Rangers and then they killed G5 and I just can't muster up much faith in them right now.
And Dungeons and Dragons. And Transformers One is probably a minor financial disappointment ticket sales-wise (it might be JUST barely profitable.). Hasbro's just had a rough few years, really. I do somewhat worry that Hasbro could end up in some real financial pickles soon, if they aren't already.

As for Power Rangers specifically...yeah, it's been declining for years. As toy sales across the board fall, so goes Power Rangers numbers. And I don't think Power Rangers has had a really BIG hit since the Live Action movie in 2017. That was the big spike in sales that got Hasbro to buy them in the first place, but I think it's been downhill ever since. It's probably why they wanted to do as many dinosaur-themed seasons as they could, since those sell the best. And we've since learned that the toy-designing side didn't even WANT to work on it, because they were already being stretched thin and overworked trying to keep Transformers and other less-costly brands going. Which led to quality control issues in the toyline. And Hasbro's plans for the next show completely fell through, so now no one's sure what they're doing next.
I'm not sure if it's fair to say that Hasbro killed Power Rangers or not. The toy landscape is VERY different than it was back in the 90s. It's kind of a miracle that it kept going for as long as it did. And the 2017 movie giving the toys a sales spike might have been a fluke. But, they didn't manage to save it, either. Going from "The Number One Toy Brand" to "Not releasing ANYTHING this year" is not a good look.

And I honestly can't think of a single Hasbro brand that's really thriving and succeeding right now. Hasbro seems to be making mistakes across the board, and it's starting to add up. Hasbro just...hasn't been making good choices, lately. In ANYTHING, really.
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