I'm not sure this is teaching kids good habits, but...CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG!
Are they PAYING for these smoothies, or is everyone just bored?
Pipp gave herself the hiccups, but she won. She's done this before. A streamer's life has prepared her for this.
And Izzy cheats. Poorly. Izzy is a cheat count: 1.
*Posey gets Izzy's smoothie in the face* Posey's rage is justified count: 1.
Aww...Izzy wants to be included in their horrible brain-freeze pain.
*Posey gets even MORE smoothies dumped on her* Posey's rage is justified count: 2. I get the feeling this won't be a good episode for her.
*Pipp reusing the song from Clip Trot* It's been five minutes, shouldn't this song be old news by now?
Zipp has the ability to...DENY a musical number? She must be the most POWERFUL being in this world! Even villains succumb to the beat!
Izzy is munching on a cookie...I just thought that was cute.
How did they manage to bury themselves?
Again, they KNOW about Seaponies! It's just weird they aren't looking for them or anything.
Is that a fashion/beauty magazine that Zipp's looking at? That seems out of character, but she DOES like to keep her hair expertly coiffed.
It DOES seem like Zipp says no to a lot of stuff...but maybe they just need to take a interest in some of HER activities instead of...yeah, already too late.
Izzy caught on! Eventually! And then pointlessly upped the stakes to a ridiculous degree.
Hey, a David Bowie refernce! I'm sure all the kids still know...who that is...right?
Is...that ALL Sunny's alicorn glitter? The same alicorn glitter that has magical properties? Swimming in it seems like a REALLY bad idea. And, again, unsanitary. Izzy even says it's warm. It probably SHOULDN'T be warm!
Aww...Zipp learned that having fun with her friends is...fun. Okay, that should be a no-brainer, but I guess it's still a lesson some people need.
That is an extremely delayed brain freeze, but I don't really know if that's wrong. Can it be delayed like that?
This is an extremely extended brain freeze.
I want to say I've had brain freezes like this before. But, it's been a LONG time.
As for the lesson...meh. I think it's fine. Some people need a push to get out of their own heads and comfort zones once in a while. And she had fun doing all the things, so...meh. It's fine with me.