Man, if Izzy sounds like that all night, I wonder how any of the other girls get any sleep.
How dense is that windchime? If you notice Izzy doesn't hit the wall, she bounces off the glass ball part. Izzy is surprisingly light count: 1.
Zipp...why are you adding chemicals to that plant with a eyedropper? She's gone full mad scientist, hasn't she? This will end with Little Shop of Horrors, won't it? (...Little Shop of Horse...*heh*)
*Butterfly runs screaming from Zipp* ...That's not supposed to be the same butterfly from MYM or the video game, right? It looks completely different. What you got against bugs, Zipp?
Note: Zipp does not care about Hearts and Hooves Day.
"You'll see. YOU'LL ALL SEE!" ...This is the start of a NSFW fanfic somewhere, isn't it?
Okay, seriously Zipp, you need to get Izzy a card or something or she'll be heartbroken.
I take it the unicorns don't do much for Hearts and Hooves Day and Izzy expected the Earth Ponies to really make a big thing out of it? Emo unicorns probably have very...quiet Hearts and Hooves Days.
Honestly? Izzy's daydream about Maretime's Hearts and Hooves Day only seems *slightly* unrealistic. They could totally decorate the Railcar.
Actually, this is rather tame for Maretime Bay holidays. I guess they're tired from the other 10 holidays they had this week alone?
Seriously, there MUST be a story behind everyone being mad on Hearts and Hooves Day. All part of a off-screen Opaline plot? Did the chocolate shipment get stolen? I DO notice a distinct lack of chocolate in this episode (probably for "healthy eating" reasons, but still). I mean, a H&H Day without chocolate probably WOULD make everyone grumpy.
Later, Posey will find herself addicted to sniffing the glue on that card. Posey's addiction is justified count: 1. She will never get all the glitter out of her nostrils.
Izzy made cards for the trees? Just her favorite ones or EVERY TREE in Maretime Bay? Okay, that's a dumb question...every tree is probably her favorite tree.
OOF. Posey recycling Izzy's card right in front of her. Posey's heart is stone cold count: 1.
*Pineapple'd* Hey, all you need now is to get hit by a melon stand and a cherry vendor and you can have a fruit salad!
*Izzy fast-slings all her cards* Remind me not to play poker against Izzy. Her aim is actually pretty spot-on.
Aw, Izzy got Posey flowers...from her own garden...RUN IZZY RUN! On the one hand...this is suitable revenge for throwing away Izzy's card in front of her. Still, though, regrowing those roses will probably take her...seconds, with her Earth Pony powers. Still, I'm counting it. Posey's rage is justified count: 1.
Just wait until Posey finds out that Izzy took all the roses from her back garden to use as those rose-petals she's throwing everywhere.
Izzy! Bringing ponies together! Literally!
Hitch really should congratulate Izzy on helping him break up all the PDA on display in the park. I guess this is everyone's favorite "meetup" spot.
And how much does Izzy weigh if she can break these benches by jumping on them? Izzy is surprisingly dense count: 1. *Looks above* Wait...
"Aw, Little-King-Trashmouth and Big-Baby-Pudding-Snatcher are having a romantic date! Someone gimmie a camera!" .... Linda from Bob's Burgers would be proud. Still, Izzy is gross count: 1.
Aw, at least Izzy brightened Misty's day.
*Even NATURE rejects your love!* Ouch. Still, trees can never love you back...learned that the hard way.
So...can Venus Flytraps eat flying snails in this world or not? Is the plant too young or do they just not eat those? Ecology in Equestria raises weird questions count: 1.
That plant's growing too fast. Get the weed-whacker...NOW!
Izzy's shipping Zipp and Rocky...I don't see it. *shrug*
So I think Nightmare Night and this one kept their names, but for whatever reason Hearth's Warming Eve became Wishingtime.
That IS weird. Maybe the writers didn't like "Hearth" sounding so close to "Heart"? It's probably also to better reflect the real world having Christmas/Hannukkah/Kwanzaa/Festivus all at around the same time, too.
I'm predicting other people's breakdowns of this episode to have a "Posey anger justified" comment.
You would be correct!
He's the one who isn't Jazz. You know, the white one with the red mane? Works in Mane Melody with Pipp? Good ol' Not-Jazz! He's had like...3 lines combined including ALL the shows, maybe? Can't blame you for forgetting him.