Everybody likes pie. No exceptions!
Pipp's snorty laugh is kind of cute.
Y'know, there's being a "messy eater", but these ponies take it to a new level. I have no idea how you even get pie in your ears. Especially when they're so high above your mouth.
Oh, they're wasting that good pie in a pie fight. I think I've seen this fanfic, though.
Opaline still doesn't have this whole "evil laugh" thing down, just yet.
Opaline's all alone...time for a Risky Business montage? ("Just take those old records off the shelf!")
Oh, new dresses AND a song. Someone's getting a new toy, I guess. I wonder who makes her dresses and crowns for her? I guess that'd be Misty's job. I can't see her buying them, and Misty may or may not be competent enough to steal them.
I want to know how Opaline got the remote that controls the fire around her lair.
Remember kids, Villain Songs don't just happen. They take hard work and practice!
Green spiked shoulder pads. Opaline has a 90s villain look.
Opaline's a bit of a...clothes horse! ...I'll see myself out.
What was the point of "voting" on ice cream flavors, if they're just getting individual cones, anyway?
Opaline made her own figurines of the Mane 5. She and Sunny really do have more in common than either likes to admit.
"Oh, I'm Sunny,,,I have SO MANY FRIENDS!" ...Someone's lonelier than she likes to admit. *Looks at the rest of the episode* Obviously.
Opaline's not great a hooficures. Noted.
Opaline likes to rewatch old episodes of this show. Also, noted. Also, that "My Bananas" song will be stuck in my head for the rest of the day. CURSE YOU OPALINE!
Even Opaline's castle isn't secure against the all-encompassing power of the racoonicorns. They really can get in anywhere.
Y'know...I think Opaline's kitchen is actually SMALLER than the Mane 5's in the lighthouse. Weird, considering she's in a castle.
That racoonicorn actually pulls off that pink wig pretty well.
...What does the purple heart in the smoothie do? I assume it's some sort of...hard candy or something that gives the smoothie a little different flavor?
Misty REFUSES to miss karaoke night. I kind of hope we get to see that, eventually.
Wait, WAS this the same racoonicorn that was chasing Misty at the end of episode 45/The one where the parade is ruined by out of control animals? *Goes to check* Nope. That one was purple, this one was blue. That would've been a nice touch.
Would Opaline's rule actually be that bad? She seems like kind of a homebody. Just make sure she can get her takeout and I don't know if she'd care about governing the rest of pony society. She actually seems to like most of what pony society is making. Hooficures, entertainment, smoothies, fashion. She...just doesn't want to have to do a job to actually PAY for it.
The banana video makes a comeback. ... New headcanon: The video didn't actually go viral. Most of the views were from Opaline watching it on loop.
Headcanon: ACCEPTED!