Ten toys you want @Hasbro to make in 2026


Well-known member
So we're at the point where the 2025 toyline has just started to actually hit stores and none of the 2026 line has leaked yet... meaning, at least right now, next year is a wide open blank sheet of paper...

If you could name 10 toys you wish Hasbro would do in 2026 what would they be.

Coming up with this list as I type this my list is:

1) Nightbeat
2) Siren
3) Hosehead

-Assuming Horri-bull is on the way as rumored that's all the Con 88 Headmasters done. The 88 Autobots really need to happen.

4) Catilla
5) Waverider

- I'll take any Pretenders they want to do who havn't had updates honestly. Love Pretenders and so many havnt been updated but these are my favorite so they get my call.

6) Marvel Comics Blaster and Scrounge
7) Marvel Comics Megatron and Ratchet
8) Marvel Comics Fortress Maximus

- These are pretty much my favorite characters from the Marvel Run. Blaster needs his comic head. Megatron and Ratchet can be the two in their comic colors OR a new figure of them combined by the Space Bridge accident. Fort Max just needs to be Regular Guy sized, Voyager or Leader like he was there.

9) Beast Machines Jetstorm (Cartoon Design)
10) Beast Machines Botanica

- It can't all be G1, and I would someday really love to own a toy that looked like Cartoon Jetstorm and wasn't from Mcdonald's and any toy of Botanica at all.

-ZacWilliam, could probably have gone on for another 10. Didn't even get to list the Throttlebots or Bumper.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Lots of great ideas!
In no particular order:
1) Gobot Flip Top- my favorite Gobot growing up, probably because he was a birthday gift and also Airwolf-adjacent. No clue who he could be redecoed into or from, but he would be top of my most-wanted list.
2) Targetmaster Blurr WITH Haywire- my favorite Transformer growing up, obviously would be a Selects release, a slight retool and redeco of SS86 Blurr would do the trick, as long as he comes with Haywire.
3) Animated Universe Strika- I just like the Animated design better than the Beast Machines one.
4) Obsidian- a deluxe version with some kind of hands that come out of his missile pods. Redecoed in RiD and Universe flavors.
5) Anode- gotta love a biplane altmode!
6) Dropkick Transport Drones and
7) Decepticon Warriors from War Dawn- these guys are just kind of cool, and I think it would be cool to see them in some kind of toy form.
8) Speedbot/Mototron from the Go-Go-Gobots line- these could probably be retooled from a Sideswipe?
9) Buzzer-Bot from the same- would presumably be a Waspinator retool
10) Quickshadow from Rescue Bots

EDIT: Oh, 11) Energon Tow Line, to be redecoed into Ironhide and Ratchet at a later date.
12) GI Joe x TF Conquest X-30 into Strafe (G2 Cyberjet) with Slipstream
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Agent X

Kreon Bastard
Figures with heads that are properly proportioned to the body if they are wearing helmets.

....OH! you mean in Transformers!


Another babka?
Blue Bacchus

With HasLab Liokaiser (including Deathcobra!) we just need Blue Bacchus and the Road Caesar guys to complete Victory. What was once unobtainable is now with reach. Let's say go!

Powermaster Optimus Prime
Apex Bomber

I feel like we've never gotten a good Generations style Powermaster Prime/God Ginrai, and let's round out the rest of the Autobot Headmaster Juniors while we're here.

Sky Garry

We're doing Star Convoy. Let's complete the Battlestars RoC team.

That's ten.
Yes I'm a JG1 weeb.


Well-known member
The 88 Autobots really need to happen.

Going back one year, one that stands out to me is that we've gotten Crosshairs (sans TM though) and Pointblank recently, but no sign of Sureshot. Granted he's not nearly as cool looking as the other two, but still feels like the set should be completed.

4) Catilla
5) Waverider

Agreed, we could use more Pretenders. I'm a grizzly guy so my vote for go to Chainclaw. Still miffed we didn't get Polar Claw in Kingdom...

6) Marvel Comics Blaster and Scrounge
7) Marvel Comics Megatron and Ratchet
8) Marvel Comics Fortress Maximus


Others I'd want... well, I always yearn for more G2 (or late Euro G1 stuff). Guys like Thunder Clash, the Turbomasters, Predator jets, Axelerators, Skyscorchers, Laser Rods, Pyro, Clench...


Kaiser Dragon
My top choices:

Windcharger (and Tailgate and Wipe-Out eventually)

TFTM anniversary:
SS86 Rodimus Prime (not just a Kingdom redeco)
Targetmaster Hot Rod, Kup, & Blurr (yes, I'm cheating listing these three as one entry)

BW anniversary:
TM1 Megatron
Depth Charge

RiD Predacon trio (yup, still cheating)

Armada Demolishor
Armada Cyclonus

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
I can agree with a lot of these, but for mine that are unnamed...

1) Boulder
2) Blades
3) Salvage
4) Blurr
5) Quickshadow
6) High Tide
7) Servo
8) MorBots

And I'm stopping there while I mull over this some more, before I just throw the Academy recruits on there.

Oh! Wait, one more...

9) Leader-1 and Cy-Kill. Specifically, these versions:



Staff member
Council of Elders
I immediately tried to populate this with Hot Rods and Rodimuses, but let's pare those down to these. Pick one, I guess?

1. Energon Rodimus - maybe a tall Deluxe or sure, let's go Voyager. I'm either/or on the Powerlinx gimmick, but it'd be nice to see the design unencumbered by it.
1. New Rodimus - make this already.
1. SS86 Rodimus Prime - retool the head and trailer for better fit, or just make a new mold that's a better take on the Kingdom approach.
1. Missing Link Hot Rodimus/Rodimus Convoy - oh yeah.
1. Mainline equivalent to T-Spark AMT-01 MTMTE Rodimus

2. Thunderclash. IDK if I'll be fine with a Motormaster retool.
3. Skyquake. I'd prefer one that was more G1-y in proportions than "Prime Skyquake's proportions with some detailing from the G1", but a retool is probably fine. MW Starscream for Selects or a capsule.
4. Sunstorm - again, just make this already. Earthrise, not Siege.
5. Hosehead - I'd put them all here if I could, but this is the one that hasn't gotten anything the others have gotten in the US (Siren at least got a Titan Master and Nightbeat has the T30 figure; Minerva in Legacy albeit not a Headmaster)
6. Turbomaster Flash - like Thunderclash, almost obligatory on a list I make.
7. Beast Machines Jetstorm - Afterburrrrn. Cyclones for Selects or a capsule.
8. Aileron - Really if we could keep getting IDW femmes I'd love that (Velocity, fiery-headed Novastar, another take on Nautica), but start with Aileron.
9. Signal Lancer - Keep Core class alive, and finally make this guy!
10. Springload - want to keep making room for RID2015 Decepticons.
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Two arms and one smile
Hmm...this is where I take my annual attempt at requesting a Beast Machines Tankor, so...

1). Beast Machines Tankor. My wish would be for Leader Class (he's a big, beefy boy). Ideally, he would include a Diagnostic Drone and Key to Vector Sigma

2). A different better take on '86 Galvatron. The current SS86/Kingdom/Siege/Whatever mold has proportions that are just too wonky for me. His feet and relatively squatty stance bug the crap out of me, too.

3). *See Gizmoboy's post

4). *See Gizmoboy's post

5). *See Gizmoboy's post

6). *See Gizmoboy's post

7). *See Gizmoboy's post

8). A proper "G2-first Megatron" mold. Cannon on shoulder, the handgun, the deco - all of it. But design the mold as him first, then G1 Megs can be the afterthought ;)

9). A non-transforming Nightbird

10). A good-looking G1 Windcharger


Staff member
Council of Elders
8). A proper "G2-first Megatron" mold. Cannon on shoulder, the handgun, the deco - all of it. But design the mold as him first, then G1 Megs can be the afterthought ;)
Damn, I should've put this on the list. This is exactly what I've wanted for some time. Just one all-new mold that has at least three redecos/retools waiting in line for it (green or purple to start, the other to follow, Destruction Bludgeon, canceled Combat Hero, Reverse Convoy, Megastorm).

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
1. Minerva (as a Headmaster, just cuz if they do finish the 88 Decepticon Headmasters and do the 88 Autobot ones, it'd be weird if they don't do a Minerva IMO)


3. Energon Optimus Prime

4. Cybertron Optimus Prime

5. RID '01 Megatron

6. Thunderclash

7. Dreadwing and Smokescreen (would this count as two toys cuz IDK if I'd want it to be a Commander-class with both figures included OR they sell them separately with Dreadwing as a Leader and Smokescreen as a Voyager)

8. Skyquake

uhh i can't think of a 9th and 10th one

edit: wait what am i saying

9. super ginrai/powermaster prime

10. godbomber
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Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
This same idea pops up now and again, and I am shocked by how many of my old "pie-in-the-sky, never gonna happen but I wish it would" ideas HAVE actually come out. There was a time when I never in a million years would have imagined that we'd actually get a Quintesson, much less the majority of the canon designs. But here are my current top 10 wants in no particular order:

1. Catilla - We're getting Carnivac, which has been high on my list forever now, and I'd love to have Catilla to go with him
2. Thunderclash - bonus points if we also get a Hyperdrive remold/repaint
3. G1-ified Leader Class Scorn - Yeah, we finally got all 5 original Dinobots in SS Leader class, but 5 is rookie numbers! We gotta pump those numbers!
4. Powermaster Optimus Prime - I'd be shocked if we don't get this one at some point.
5. Clench - He's just awesome looking
6. Pyro - Gotta get some more of these late G1 / European figures
7. Skystalker - with his shuttle / base.
8. Quintesson Prosecutor - I would also take the Executioner, but I don't wanna take up too many spots on my want list.
9. Creature from the Black Lagoon - I want them to keep building on the Universal Monsters crossovers. If I had to pick just 1, it'd be the Gillman, but I'd also love a mummy, Metaluna Mutant, and any other monster they wanted to do.
10. Trannis - If we're getting ancient Primes, we need some ancient Decepticon leaders to face off against them! Seems like this one would be an easy Voyager Junkion remold.

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