Ten toys you want @Hasbro to make in 2026


Well-known member
Beast Wars Rampage, Quickstrike, Depth Charge, and Dinobot 2. Finish the cast already.

And honestly the original TM2 Dinobot toy was kinda naff so there's lots of room for improvement. Depth Charge too, to a lesser extent (that giant backpack).

On the other hand I wonder if they could live up to the original Rampage toy with today's budgets, especially the treaded tank mode.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I actually would miss the tank mode. I remember being impressed at that wadding up of beast bits looking like a cohesive thing. But I don't want to see another rubber-treaded take on it.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders

Come on Hasbro! You have the Earthrise Starscream mold, just give me this color combination with an Autobot logo. Call him or her Phantom!


Olde-Timey Member
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Council of Elders
3) -- 5) Omnibots

It IS crazy how we haven't gotten any updated Omnibots in.....ever? Camshaft and Overdrive had Alternators/Binaltech toys, sort of (Camshaft was just a repaint without a head remold and Overdrive was Windcharger here in the States), so those barely count. Not that they were ever super popular characters or anything, but we've gotten way more obscure characters than them lately.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I should have known I could never stick to 10. (I mean, duh, my original post already fails that.)

11. G2 Megatron - new mold. Thanks for reminding me, Sciflyer.
12. Beast Machines Silverbolt - could get away with another Airazor retool (the mainline ROTB one), maybe.
13. Studio Series Dispensor/Oreo Transformer - one can be a pretool of the other. Or make it a 2-pack with a QR code for a free Dew or Oreo pack.
14. Studio Series AOE Silver Knight Optimus Prime
15. Glyph/Tapout from Studio Series 86 Bumblebee

And, inspired by current events,

XX. Studio Series Watch That Killed Hitler


Two arms and one smile
Yeah, sticking to just 10 is tough for me, too. I left off the Omnibots and I want modern versions of them really badly. Also a nice, big Commander Class G1 Roadbuster would be insanely cool.

Agent X

Kreon Bastard
View attachment 26981

Come on Hasbro! You have the Earthrise Starscream mold, just give me this color combination with an Autobot logo. Call him or her Phantom!

My list (pending additions as I think of them):
1. G2 Laser Prime Re-Do. Literally all I want is the original toy's proportions and transformation scheme, minus the LED, ditch the trailer for economics sake, and scaled to the rest of line.
2. Scrapmetals from "Cybertron". Again, as close as the original toy, gut the flip-out blade, make canon blast-effects compatible, under-sized for a deluxe, released in EVERY POSSIBLE COLOR! Even never-in-America blue!
3. Original jet mode/conversion scheme/character. Get a writer-writer to make a profile and let media work with it.
4. Original car mode/conversion scheme/character. Get a writer-writer to make a profile and let media work with it.
5. Original truck mode/conversion scheme/character. Get a writer-writer to make a profile and let media work with it.
6. G2 Starscream from the ER mold, WITHOUT black thighs. Mold breakdowns what they are, it'll have black thighs AND shoulders.
7. G2 Jazz from SS86 Jazz. Opaque windows, music note livery, even the 'digital' livery from the Generations multi-pack would be more faithful than the attempt toyhax put out.
8 G2 Sideswipe from ER Sideswipe. In addition to the more accurate car, make the red actually RED. Not 'bloody brown'.
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Staff member
Council of Elders
Scrapmetals would be AWESOME (and I think they could even retain a hidden blade, just not spring-loaded). They've been faffing around with spider-mode Shockwaves for years now, bring this back for real. (and make a purple one, yay)

Yeah, tbh, I'd love a redo of the Laser OP. The G2 Op and Megs they've done so far have suffered for being so heavily G1-based in sculpt (Laser OP takes the retooling much further, of course, but gives up a lot of distinctive features still.)

And can we get a Combat Hero OP redo, whether it's from the Volvo sculpt or something new and closer? Where The CHOP?


Well-known member
Transformers One Optimus and Megatron blown up as voyager class figures. some retooling.
Commander class Broadside with Armor to resemble some of his cartoon and comic appearances.
commander class Overlord
titan class Energon Omega Supreme
A Metroplex reissue.
Animated Shockwave/Longarm Prime
also for 15th anniversary Decepticons to have Negatron in a metallic shade of plastic.
Studio Series Gamer edition Sentinel Zeta Prime
Cyberverse Wildsheel
Pre Tarn Glitch from Studio Series Gamer Edition Cliffjumper/Bumblebee.
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1-3. Diaclone/Insecticlone redecos of the Legacy Insecticons. (The Bombshell equivalent, at least. I need it for an OC.)
4-9. Combiner Wars G2 Protectobots. Yes, specifically the Combiner Wars molds. I actually like them. And, yes, they'd have to make up a "G2" color scheme for Rook, I have (that much, at least 8^) faith in them.
10. Omnibot Overdrive. (If I were to spill over above 10, the rest of the Omnibots would be next.)

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders

My list (pending additions as I think of them):
1. G2 Laser Prime Re-Do. Literally all I want is the original toy's proportions and transformation scheme, minus the LED, ditch the trailer for economics sake, and scaled to the rest of line.
2. Scrapmetals from "Cybertron". Again, as close as the original toy, gut the flip-out blade, make canon blast-effects compatible, under-sized for a deluxe, released in EVERY POSSIBLE COLOR! Even never-in-America blue!
3. Original jet mode/conversion scheme/character. Get a writer-writer to make a profile and let media work with it.
4. Original car mode/conversion scheme/character. Get a writer-writer to make a profile and let media work with it.
5. Original truck mode/conversion scheme/character. Get a writer-writer to make a profile and let media work with it.
6. G2 Starscream from the ER mold, WITHOUT black thighs. Mold breakdowns what they are, it'll have black thighs AND shoulders.
7. G2 Jazz from SS86 Jazz. Opaque windows, music note livery, even the 'digital' livery from the Generations multi-pack would be more faithful than the attempt toyhax put out.
8 G2 Sideswipe from ER Sideswipe. In addition to the more accurate car, make the red actually RED. Not 'bloody brown'.

That is close, but not really it.

Phantom was primarily white with blue and chrome. The stickers were metallic orangish-red but were that prominent, and the blue was just on his shoulders, feet, and arms. I need to find my broken one and take some pics of it, as robot pics of this are getting harder and harder to find.


Here is the back of the box though that shows it fairly well. However, I should note that the actual toy had either blue or white fists and the canopy was blue. These must have been early pics.

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