Mine is an Autobot named Trample. . . .
I'm waiting for a hopeful Primal Prime recolour.![]()
I nver liked OpOp's colors but the original PE POTP Primal homage had the closed mouthplate. Thankfully, the knockoff has the correct sculpt, even if incorrectly painted. The sword, monkey abd electronics were a decent bonus for the incredibly cheap price but the tolerances are all over the place.
Cover me in Energon and throw me to the Minicons!(Takei) OH MY (/Takei)
Look at those abs!(Takei) OH MY (/Takei)
The original toy had good vehicle modes, especially some slightly tweaked fan modes for the wings on the jet and the position of the cockpit in armoured ground vehicle.![]()
I'm not gonna bother with the vehicle modes. They're jive and the transformations are terrible. The little gorilla minicon's kind of crappy in terms of build quality but the originals were a bit janky as well, so I can't complain, especially for the price.
To you maybe, but I rather like them all. I've had no problems securing all the various parts on my original PE Op Op, so perhaps the mileage might vary?They’re still Optimal Optimus’ vehicle modes and therefore garbage. The truck mode doesn’t even bother to secure his arms and they just float around pretending to be attached to the wheel. The new jet mode tries to hide the arms but it’s still not all that great. If this were engineered to have a smoother transformation, I’d probably give it a go but the transformation process is just not pleasant and kind of finicky overall.
I'm not sure they attached to the wheels in the original toy either?The arms have no way to attach to the wheel in truck mode. The ratchets can hold the arms in position but that’s just lame when even the original BW toy fastened the arms to the wheel. There’s really no excuse not to secure those in a 20+ year more advanced toy with an unlimited budget when there’s so much nonsense in the cockpit/chest transformation.