The 3rd Party Toy Picture thread

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here


Somehow still sane
The best part is that all the accessories can store on the truck.
Guess it’s a break action shotgun.
the little head gremlin thing has a spot under the cab
The madlads even gave it an interior


Somehow still sane
The chain is an actual metal chain so in figuring out how to put it on, i scratched a bit of the weathering. Managed to repair it though, and it’s really hard to tell which side got chipped if I do say so myself.
why does Megatron have booba on his shoulders anyway?

Painted in the wires and cables on the head while I still had some of the weathering paint I mixed left over.

Painted the part around the eyes and inside of the mouth black to give the illusion of depth. The eyes really pop with the surrounding area being so dark.
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Somehow still sane
Height-wise, yeah but IMO Romulus aesthetically doesn't fit in with ER Prime.

It is what it is. They couldn't have predicted Studio Series Optimus being bigger when all the Primes before him were consistently the same size.


Somehow still sane
Yeah, this set. It’s not perfect but it’s relatively cheap, has tons of features, innovative yet relatively simple transformations and zero partforming. Pretty much singlehandedly convinced me to skip Studio Series Devy and Liokaiser. It’s proof of concept that pants for combiners are not a necessity for stability , simplicity or good individual robot modes. I don’t even care if the limbs are swapped. This is peak combiner.



i also love when you can see parts of other modes integrated into the robot mode and Hook not only has his chest as the rear bumper, Devastator’s forehead is his ab detail. Long Haul also has the crotchplate as a chest but manages to pull it off.To a lesser extent, Devastator’s abdomen being Long Haul’s grill but flipped upside down for better proportions.

Hook Transforms differently too. Whereas Hook usually splits in half to form the shoulders, here, he does the splits and his shins envelop his body to form devastator’s shoulders. In addition to the half dozen locking points between Hook and Long Haul and the integrated combiner parts, the LED eyes, paint detail and above average articulation, the designers really went above and beyond for about $45 per bot. Only thing really missing is clear windows. They have clear red eyes and I’d be fine with red windows TBH but it’s not a huge deal. The metallic blue does look nice.
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Somehow still sane
Mech Invasion Giant Legion. It’s an all-built in combiner sold as 3 twopacks. it’s devastator but with the arms and legs swapped around. Feedback says it’s really good and incredible value overall since you get big robots, high partscount, LED eyes, flip out Devastator shades, combining guns, integrated combiner kibble and even a little die cast metal. Cons are the configuration not being G1 and scale being awkward with the individual bots being MP-ish and the combiner being a head or two above the Generations combiners. I personally don’t mind big Constructicons but they are huge.



I’m painting the toes green/purple though. Silver is boring. Maybe the gun as well.
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm fine with a redesign if someone has a better idea, and this set fixes most of what makes Devastator such a difficult design. My only issue is that it's bigger than I want or have room for.


Somehow still sane
Scrapper’s shovel is pretty much the same thing as Bonecrusher. I never liked the excavator arm just hanging off so a truck hood is a lateral move at worst. I think how the shovel and bulldozer cab end up as mostly symmetrical kneepads works well.

They are huge though, combined mode is only between13-14 inches since they compress a lot and use their own mass to make combiner parts.

I also mistransformed the hips. Devastator can stand fine without the wide stance.
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Wondering bot
Haviing Mixmaster upon the arm would enable him to use whatever he comes up with as a weapon against the Autobots and surprise them, when you think about it!


Staff member
Council of Elders
I love the idea of big Constructicons myself. I've had Hercules in combined mode for probably 15 years now and never separated him so the combined mode height is really what matters more to me. I've always envisioned Devastator as being the biggest combiner anyway (whether fiction agrees with that or not) so that would be fine with me if he is a couple of heads bigger than everyone else.


Somehow still sane
I prefer big combiners and minimal partsforming myself. Whatever size the individuals end up is fine with me. To be honest though, I might not have pulled the trigger if it weren't so cheap. It's sold in three two-packs each about the price of a Commander figure. The cheap base price plus all the features and gimmicks made it something I couldn't miss.

Speaking of big...

Devy got back
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Staff member
Council of Elders
Basically, it makes him just about the same cost as LioKaiser, which I think is very reasonable for the size he is. Question is, I passed on SS Devy to help save a bit of cash and space. This guy has be reconsidering getting a new Devy. Especially if I can put him in a different configuration from Hercules.

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