Well, long time no update, but Raw is now on Netflix! I got to watch half of it but I ran out of time. and had to call it a night by the time we got to the Drew vs Jay match.
Opening segment was good and they followed it up with the Rock coming out and doing some promos.
Following that up with the Sikoa vs Roman match for the bloodline leadership. Another no rules match, but it did have a couple good spots in it, like when Roman power bombs Sikoa through the table. All the run ins after that were kind of pointless and imo, detracted from the match. Still Roman one and got his thing back(not even going to try to spell that), and the rock himself put it on him.
After that we got a pretty good match with Liv Morgan vs. Rhea Ripley, in that finally Rhea gets her title back and some measure of payback against both Liv and Dom. As she was walking back, Undertaker's music hits, and he drives out on his motorcycle, does a loop around the ring and comes back. Gives morgan a hive five and a fist bump, and they leave. I found this to be a pointless cameo. Like a better way to use him here, would have been to have the rest of the Judgement Day try to stop Rhea from leaving, then you can have Taker come out on his bike and have all of the Judgement Day heels dodging out of the way. One small twist, would have made that so much better than it was.
After that we get Cena coming out and giving a promo. Basically, he says that he is going to enter and win the royal rumble to try to break the 17 time championship record.