The Best Thing About HeroQuest is….


This is how a unicorn comments
Not only did I miss out on this Knight, but until you posted the update, I somehow had never even heard of it. Looks like it was a kickstart pre-order kinda deal?

I'm wondering if there was anything else I missed out on? Also I wonder if they plan to make the extras you got for pre-ordering the Mystic Tier available? I WAS lucky enough to get that, so I have the Bard and such for the game, but it does kinda suck for anyone else interested.


I’m not dead yet!
The Knight wasn't a kickstarter thing, It just a really low run 1st expansion that launched nearly alongside the release of the Haslab. I don't think they knew how big a demand it was going to be initially and lowballed the run of it. It really was the Male and Female Knight figures and the cards that went with them. I don't really know why they just didn't run more off, other than it gave them more incentive to include them in this bigger expansion which even without the knight would draw in more with new quest packs anyways. *shrugs*
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I’m not dead yet!
The next best thing about HeroQuest is the Monk. This new hero may start off with just one attack die, but comes with elemental abilities on 4 double faced cards. …I can’t keep up the Bardic spiel😅

But It’s cool to see support continue after they finished the classic expansions. Truthfully I’m surprised we aren’t seeing a general release of some of the HasLab Heroes first. It’s cool that the Bard, Warlock, and Druid have been exclusive to the HasLab, but I’m not against them trying to put out a character pack like this for those who missed out. Besides I like having the male and female versions too.

Rise of the Dread Moon also came in last week and it’s finally forced me to use more than the base game box for storage. Not sure if we need the door set every new expansion, and the continued new furniture is getting a bit much, but it’s cool to get new enemies, weapons, and a whole new alchemy system. Still unclear to how the Alchemy thing works but there’s a new deck of cards with all sorts of potions now.


This is how a unicorn comments
Just got the Dread Moon expansion myself. Going to be honest it kinda sucks they just have the one Knight figure this time. No male/female variant like they did with most of the others.

Though my friend mentioned they didn't do that with the Bard, or any of those heroes either which I didn't really think about until then.

As for Hero Quest game sessions, my party just finished Quest 10. The mine with the teleporting mechanic on the doors. That was a lot of fun, but we've got four more quests before we finish the main game. I'm debating on what to do after that. I'm assuming they still want you to go on to Keller's Keep or Return of the Witch Lord first, but honestly I'm thinking I might just ask the players to vote on which one they want to do next. Not quite sure if some of these would be considered "Higher Level" things or not. Given you don't really level up in this game, just get better stuff.


I’m not dead yet!
So they decided to drop the two Mythic tier quest packs individually now. “Prophecy of Telor” includes the Warlock with a second monster form figurine, and a slew of orange translucent monster figurines and combat dice.

“Spirit Queen’s Torment” has the Bard and comes with translucent green monsters and dice.

And some backers are crying foul. It’s stinks of people whining about their investment accounts not the game not being special anymore. I’m happy to see the quests released to the people who didn’t get in on the HasLab. And technically we got it two years before everyone and for cheaper than it would have been individually to buy these. I really don’t care for gatekeeping bs like this from the community. We should be happy to see the game continues to put more out even if it is mostly content that some of us already have.


This is how a unicorn comments
So they decided to drop the two Mythic tier quest packs individually now. “Prophecy of Telor” includes the Warlock with a second monster form figurine, and a slew of orange translucent monster figurines and combat dice.

“Spirit Queen’s Torment” has the Bard and comes with translucent green monsters and dice.

And some backers are crying foul. It’s stinks of people whining about their investment accounts not the game not being special anymore. I’m happy to see the quests released to the people who didn’t get in on the HasLab. And technically we got it two years before everyone and for cheaper than it would have been individually to buy these. I really don’t care for gatekeeping bs like this from the community. We should be happy to see the game continues to put more out even if it is mostly content that some of us already have.
My only annoyance is you mention a second monster form figure. So to get that I'd have to buy the quest pack again? That stinks. I wish I could just buy the figure.

As for people getting mad that others can actually buy and enjoy these tier packs, yeah forget them. Let people who aren't made of money a chance to get stuff they couldn't pre-order. It hurts no one.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
But then they aren't special little wonders with stuff the rest of the world can no longer have.

hug 'em.


I’m not dead yet!
The Best thing about the new Path of the Wandering Monk is the packaging! The scroll inside is a map to a martial arts tournament on the back of a tournament poster too!


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I’m not dead yet!
The next best thing about HeroQuest is the “Against the Ogre Horde” quest pack. Another classic HeroQuest pack that didn’t get wider release back in the day. 28 new miniatures including 3 big Ogres and a retail version of the Druid hero both male and female as well as an included wolf form. And the cool part, it’s not a pre order this time!


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This is how a unicorn comments
Ah I forgot the Druid had a wolf form. That's neat.

Well I guess it not getting a 'wider release' is sorta true. Everything I've read says this was a UK exclusive. Just like "The Frozen Horror" (Barbarian Quest Pack) and "Mage of the Mirror" (Elf Quest pack) were North American exclusives.


I’m not dead yet!
The new best thing about HeroQuest is the Jungles of Dethrak expansion! 29 new miniatures including the two new playable heroes, the Berserker and the Explorer! And not to mention the new Giant Ape, Serpent, Giant Spider, and Raptors! And a new 16 Quests in the book with a choose your own adventure option!



This is how a unicorn comments
So I don't know how many people actually watch this thread or would be willing to help, but some feedback/input would help me so much.

I've been playing this game on game nights for a while now. Long enough that we completed the original 14 quests, and I gave them the option of choosing which quest pack to move on to next. They ended up choosing the Frozen Horror pack. (One even bought me a custom winter themed board for it) I agreed to this one as I never got to play it before.

Next gaming session will be the final of this quest. Which means it'll be time to choose which pack to do next. Of course the issue here is something like Keller's Keep and Return of the Witch Lord are now pretty much under level for them. For one we have over the four player limit for the heroes.

My group consists of:
The Rouge
The Bard
The Dwarf
The Barbarian
The Knight
EDIT: And sometimes the Warlock, but that player has issues actually being able to make it.

Both the barbarian and knight are pretty geared out that I'm pretty sure one uses all six dice when defending. The Barbarian, thanks to magical artifacts, apparently has 10 max hit points.

There is pretty much NO point in doing Keller's Keep Or ROTWL when they can just mow through everything. So I need to buff the normal monsters to keep it interesting.

Most of my ideas so far are aimed mainly for boosting Keller's Keep.

For one I think I might give the Goblins at least one more defense die. Probably going to keep the hit points the same.

However I'm going to use the Ice Gremlin figures from Frozen Horror and repurpose them as a 'Goblin Commander' I'm not sure if I should bring their hit points down to 2, but these commanders will have a special ability. They can blow a horn and summon more Goblins. I'm thinking I'll roll a 1d6 and whatever number I get, those are the amount of Goblins that show up.

I'm not sure if he can just do this on my turn always, or there should be conditions.

As for the Orcs, they are most DEFINITELY getting one more hit point. But beyond that I'm not sure what to upgrade. I'm thinking that maybe I'll give them the ability to attack diagonally. Maybe I could give a few crossbows? What do you think?

Abomination I want to add a poison ability too. Thinking I can have it where they can purchase antidotes from an alchemist before quests. (Maybe 200/300 gold a bottle? Something for them to want to spend money on.) Still working out how it works. I know it'll poison someone if it hits them, but it should only last a number of rounds right? Maybe I could roll a 1d6 and that's how many rounds it does a point of damage unless they drink an antidote right there? I could also repurpose the 'potion of warmth' treasure cards into antidotes.

I have the original board game and am tempted to add Fimir's to the horde, but I'm not sure what special ability I'd have them do. Maybe they could have a dread spell stored in their eye that they can cast? I'd have to figure out what dread spells would make sense for them to have.

Last of all I want to add one unique homebrew monster to Keller's Keep and ROTWL.

For Keller's Keep. Well let me start by saying I have the quest packs that come with the orange and green colored monsters. So I have one for the Dread Knights/ Chaos Warriors. Monster. I want to have one that maybe has just 1 or 2 hit points that you can take out fairly easy. However when slain I put a pile of rocks on their space saying it's the armor. Then maybe I take one turn where it's down, but on my next turn after that, the warrior's armor reassembles and it begins to attack again. The only way to actually kill it is to find a statue of Zargon. (because I have his figure from the Mystic Tier pre-order) and destroy it, causing the magical link to be severed and the warrior perishes for good.

I've told them I'd be homebrewing some stuff and we'd basically be field testing it and adjusting things that don't work.

Sadly when it comes to Return of the Witch Lord. I'm at a loss.

I'm not sure what to do with the Zombies, Skeletons, and Mummies. Best I can think of is the unique monster. I can once more make use of the Zargon figure and maybe have it be a Vampire. Though what this things stats would be and what it could do I have no ideas yet.

Last bit of homebrew I'm playing around with is taking the wolf from the Orge Horde quest pack and making it something one of the heroes can basically 'purchase'

I'm just trying to think of what it could do that would make it useful to have. Also for what you'd need to get it.

To get it I'm thinking somewhere around 2,500 gold. Then maybe 100 gold every 3 quests or so for food/supplies for your wolf.

Just trying to figure out what it can do besides attack. With it's sense of smell I'm thinking I can have it be able to detect wandering monster traps. It can't disarm them, but it can figure out where they are. Maybe it could sense if there is a trap on the otherside of a door as well? That always annoys my players that they can't search for a trap unless in the room, but the first tile of the room is a trap. XD

EDIT: Also thinking that maybe it can search a room for secret doors AND Traps in one turn. Rather then having to take two. As heroes have to search for Treasure/ Secret doors/ Traps separately.

So after that long wall of text. Yeah if anyone doesn't mind helping me brainstorm, I'd very much appreciate it. Especially for ideas to buff my undead monsters.
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Kaiser Dragon
I read the thread, but sorry to say I have no useful feedback to give. My basement flooded not too long after I got my game, and everything has been packed away since. So while I have all the sets, I haven't gotten to spend much time actually playing any of them yet. 🙁


I’m not dead yet!
Similarly I haven't had a stable play group to get it going myself. I believe the packs were thought of in difficulty as going in release order as the later packs would introduce more and more to the game and thus new items or things to combat it. But I say there's nothing wrong with a bit of homebrewing things. I know what little I have gotten to play with groups has led me to never insta death a walk through walls spell if they attempt to walk into a solid or void space. It's why I didn't take kindly to the App.

Honestly I think adding a defense Die isn't that bad of an Idea, and like wise I've thought of not only introducing Fimirs from the original, but also homebrewing some stats for some of my M:tG Arena of the Planeswalker figures. I like the idea of adding firecats and phoenix's among other things.

And not being able to search at least the tile in front of an open door is kinda dumb. I guess you can chalk it up to the developers saying that you wouldn't be privy to all your surroundings in the room ahead but then again you shouldn't be able to see a bookcase against the opposite side of the wall either yet that gets revealed as soon as the door opens.


This is how a unicorn comments
Yeah I think I'm mostly pleased with most of my homebrew stuff there. I just need some ideas to spruce up the Zombies, Skeletons, and Mummies.


I’m not dead yet!
Go Zelda and give them a stun ability that prevents a hero from moving for their next turn unless they roll a shield?


This is how a unicorn comments
It's an idea. Was also thinking that I think in actual D&D Mummies have rot, which is a type of poison I think. (sorry never got to play D&D only this)

I keep wanting to do a dry bones/blood skeleton (blood skeleton from Castlevania) thing where the skeleton can come back together. Maybe I can do a thing where a Mummy can scream, and I roll a combat die. If I get a white shield the skeletons around him form back together?

Oh, just got an evil idea for Zombies. Do them like the Zombies in Resident Evil Remake (first game) And make it so they can become a 'Crimson head' type of beast. Everytime they are killed, I can roll a combat die. If I get a black shield they come back in two turns as a (I dunno maybe I'll call them Crazed Zombies) get one more dice to attack. Maybe even can attack twice.

Vampires I can give a set of two or three dread spells to, and have a list of which combos they can get and just roll a red die. Whichever number I get is the one of six combos they can have. I'll include a 'form of mist' spell that let's them basically turn into mist upon taking damage, nullifying it. This can make it so if they get a good roll that'd instant kill them, I can negate it.

Could also say the Spirit Blade does five combat dice of damage to Vampires to make my Barbarian happy.

I'm tempted to do what my family did back in the 90's when we completed the main quest and all quest packs. We added some monsters, and I remember we used the mouse figures from the Mouse Trap game as giant rats. XD


This is how a unicorn comments
Been really thinking about how to do all this.

I was unsatisfied with the Mummies being needed to boost the skeletons. So I think I'll give that scream/stun ability to the Mummies instead. Thank you Daith for the idea.

I'm thinking it'll only last one round, and I'll make it so the Mummy either needs to cause physical damage or take damage to use the scream again. That way I can't just spam it.

They only have 2 body points, so I don't think it'll be an issue. I don't want to make the monsters to annoying or difficult. Just a bit more.

Skeletons I think I'll have it where if there is only one or two left, they can also do a scream, but this scream will bring back some of the skeletons already defeated. I won't boost their stats at all, so it should keep them fairly easy to take out. I'm thinking of having myself roll a red die a lot. Maybe like 1 or 2 no Skeletons come back, 3 or 4 one skeleton comes back, 5 will be two skeletons, 6 will be three or more. So there is a chance he can bring all his friends back.

Zombies will indeed come back as Crazed Zombies. I'll give them one extra body point and the ability to attack twice.

I like this idea because it should add some more strategy to the battles. Like do you go take out the mummy first to avoid the scream, or do you want to kill the skeletons first?

I'm also going to add another new potion type to the Return of the Witch Lord quest. I think I'll have 500 gold purchasable bottles of Holy Water. Using one will give you an extra attack against undead for as long as you see undead. (Not just monsters only undead types) Also anything killed with a weapon with holy water will stay dead. So they can make it so the zombies can't come back, or the skeletons. I think I'll just have the Spirit Blade be able to do this naturally, though I think I'll let the holy water still affect it. This gives them something to grind money for. As currently they don't have any use for it as they bought all the weapons they wanted. (And for some reason no one wants a tool kit)

I'll keep the warmth bottles in the treasure, but they'll be lesser holy water bottles. They can keep it so the undead don't come back, but you don't get the plus combat dice bonus.

Since I have Femirs for the Keller's Keep quest, I think I'll add something to this one. I don't actually have Mouse Trap to add giant rats. (Or anything I could use for giant rats) so instead I'm thinking of adding a treasure type of monster, and adding that to the Femirs.

Basically the Femir will have one spell it can cast, and if it gets an attack off it can cast the spell again. (sorta like the Mummy shout)

In the Return of witchy lord. I'll re-use the ice gremlins as regular gremlins. Or Treasure Gremlins. They'll very obviously have a small treasure chest, and run away if they see you. If you can kill it before it gets away, you get it's treasure.

For Femirs, I'll have it you find a treasure on it when you kill it.

I'll have my players roll a 1d6 and depending on what they roll is the reward they get.

1 or 2 you get nothing. 3 you get 50 gold. 4 you get either the anidote if Keller's keep, or the Holy water if Return OTWL. 5 will get you a Great Potion which I'll say heals for five points of damage, and this will be the only way to get them. 6 will get you a unique treasure.

For Keller's Keep and the Femirs, I'm thinking you can get a ring of anti-poison. (There will only be one of these you can get) For ROTWL you can get a helmet but it's a 'Clarity Helm" which can block the Mummy cry from working. (again only one can be found.)

Then for fun I'm kinda thinking of adding character specific artifacts. Like a gem for the bard that lets him charm female orcs. (since I have those figures) I think he can choose to either have them all surrender and leave, or maybe charm just one to fight on their side. Would probably have to make it so the thing can only be used once per quest, or maybe he can spend a turn focusing and re-charge it, but that takes up an entire turn to do. That's probably the better option.

I'm sorta thinking of having an Axe for the Drawf. Our Drawf refuses to buy a crossbow, so he can't range attack. I'm thinking of giving him a magic axe that can be thrown forward and it'll come back to him. I'd just need some limits. For one he can't toss it diagonally. I also think I'll limit how far it can be thrown. Like maybe 8 spaces total. Or even six. It can also hurt his friends if they are in the way, as that just seems fair.

Actually maybe it will depend on a dice roll how far it can go and I'll let people dodge it if they are on his team. The main idea is to give him a ranged weapon, but I don't want it overpowered. Just so he's not stuck outside the room doing nothing because everyone is hogging the door.

Finally for the Vampire, I'm trying to figure out if they should be able to re-gain life in anyway given they are a 'vampire'

I've thought about them gaining one body point back for each successful physical attack they do, but I fear that might end up making them too strong. So I'm also thinking that maybe they can sacrifice a monster (by touching it) and either re-gaining their life, or maybe refill their spells. One or the other, but only once. They can't do one then the other next round.

Obviously I'm still playing around with things, but I think most of this sounds solid.


This is how a unicorn comments
I went ahead and made an account over there. Thanks!

In other news I saw the Jungles of Delthrak expansion is out. Gotta say, two of my players might switch to being the Explorer and Berserker.

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