The Book of Boba Fett

SHIELD Agent 47

Active member
Spinning off The Book of Boba Fett to its own thread in anticipation of the release coming soon, Wednesday 29 December 2021.

Sure will be blast watching Temuera Morrison as Boba in his own series! For me, The Mandalorian season 2 matched a lot of good magic from Legends.


Active member
Is Fennec due for a heel turn? The way she's staring at Boba in this trailer, it makes me wonder.

The actress is historically great at both strong action parts, and parts that require emotional depth. I wonder if they're priming her to attempt to overthrow Boba, or start her own rival gangster empire. That would be an amazing rivalry.

SHIELD Agent 47

Active member
Is Fennec due for a heel turn? The way she's staring at Boba in this trailer, it makes me wonder.
Hmm. I had not thought of that, but it does make sense in a criminal underworld for everyone to be out for themself, no true loyalty to honour.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I can't wait for this series to start! :) I still smile thinking about the Mandalorian season 2 finale.

SHIELD Agent 47

Active member
New teaser:



I’m not dead yet!
It felt a bit overtaking the current narrative somewhat. But it's the disconnect between
Casual fans who never knew of Fett's comeback in Legends before and those who have seen part of the narrative play out before. Sure Fett didn't stay in the Sarlacc too long it seems this time which in reality seems more likely than legends keeping him down there for an extended length of time before getting out. And with his reintroduction in the Mandalorian the time with the Tuskens seemed like an obvious tie.

But that kind of prevents the current narritive from moving forward yet. We see Fett on the throne asking for tribute from the former crime empires "protectorates" and the inevitable run in with branches to not wanting to bend the knee. But that's what we pretty much end with. Fett getting ganged up on and retreats back to the Bacta Tank for more Flashbacks. Sure we get a cool sand scorpion centaur fight but it felt like the narrative didn't go anywhere in the present. but that's being part of a series and not a more movie like setting. Hopefully we get more movement in later episodes.


Stone and Sky
Max Rebo and Figrin D'an's Latin Remix Collab was an unexpected treat

Kinda over "underworld" stuff in Star Wars because it's EVERYWHERE now, but I enjoyed the flashbacks quite a bit. That's probably gonna be the thing that keeps me hooked on the show... if it's a consistent thing.
Always nice to see the Tusken Raiders fleshed out.

Also, cool new monster! Half-expected it to be a krayt or something else reference-y, so glad it's an entirely new creature. The middle pair of limbs being used as both hands and feet is a neat feature.


Supreme System Overlord
Staff member
Council of Elders
It's pretty great to see such a well crafted show you don't even need dialog to know exactly what's happening. My only complaint is that it felt a bit too short.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
If nothing else, his escape from the Sarlacc Pit was WAY more bad ass than the old Legends ever tried to make it.

And props for letting the geek flag fly with the VERY Harryhousen-esque Sand Monster! Also loved the in numerous Easter Eggs in the gambling den, including an RX series being the dealer.


Supreme System Overlord
Staff member
Council of Elders
Yeah. I kept thinking the same thing! Subtle nod, but awesome.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
What's Legends?

Yeah, friend and I noticed the monster too. Like, kinda out of place, not typical, in a way.

I hope double gamora stick around.


Active member
Three sets of limbs, more than twice as tall as a human...

Was it just me, or was that sand creature a green martian from the John Carter stories?


Well-known member
Three sets of limbs, more than twice as tall as a human...

Was it just me, or was that sand creature a green martian from the John Carter stories?

yeah, it being Tatooine I think the John Carter reference is a given (Not to the Movie bomb but to the classic pulp sci-if books). But he was absolutely also extremely Harrihousen Krakken.

-ZacWilliam, no reason it can't be a little of both.

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