I have this picture of Fett in my head, from the pre-AotC EU: taciturn, professional, exceptionally dangerous, but overly paranoid and dangerously prone to overconfidence (and this is from before all the Karen Traviss bullshit, but that was all in the same vein, only taken up to 9000 and without the weaknesses). This Boba Fett... is none of those things, and it just feels so werid. And I don't quite get it. Like, I don't want to see him 360 noscoping his way through the series, that'd be boring, but he's just this... nobody. He just floats around from encounter to encounter not actually doing anything to resolve his problems. He's like a character in an RPG, only he spends so long wandering around talking to everyone his quests all timeout before he can resolve them.
As for the 'biker' gang... Transhumanism is something interesting that Star Wars hasn't really ever tackled outside of a couple of examples, and even then, it's always been 'bad' transhumanism: Vader and Grievious being the obvious from the films, and Ton Phannan from the X-Wing books, he was a pilot who was allergic to bacta, so any sort of serious injury meant that he had to get cybernetics instead of being healed, his was a sad story. But there's never really been someone who chose to be like that (other than Lobot, whose whole character throughout the EU is 'Lando's assistant'), so it was interesting to see. I hope they get, ahem, fleshed out more in the last few episodes, but given my complaint about the title character, I'm not hopeful.
I think the bikes were a bit of a mistake; they were too clean, too shiny. Star Wars is very much of the 'well used' design school, especially on places like Tatooine. 'Shiny' in Star Wars basically means 'rich and powerful'. They were too nice for to be owned by people who are shunned for their implants and are so poor that they have to steal water.