The Dragon Prince


Wondering bot
I've said before that the first three batches of episodes combined together feel like one complete full-length season of 27 episodes with a proper beginning, middle, and end of the overarching story.

But now that we've gotten the next three batches for the "Mystery of Aaravos" arc, this time the 27 episodes do not feel complete, as if this were a much longer season instead, leaving me now wondering just how many more episode batches it'll take before we get the true finale of this "Mystery of Aaravos" arc.

Next season is said to be the final season, the whole Sunfire elf rebellion story arc is at its end and given the finally of this season, the next season will deal with the aftermath of the Sun dragon attack and trying to stop Aarvos for good and bring about Claudia's end or remeption, after that, there is not much more they can really do storywise as the central confict will have been resolved!


Well-known member
The first three seasons felt planned, a solid coming of age story with a satisfying ending...the rest have felt like "I guess we need to deal with this mystery box and some leftover ideas." Like, they set of Aaravos as this big cool sequel villain without actually having any real plans and assuming inspiration would strike. I gave up during season 5.



Wondering bot
The first three seasons felt planned, a solid coming of age story with a satisfying ending...the rest have felt like "I guess we need to deal with this mystery box and some leftover ideas." Like, they set of Aaravos as this big cool sequel villain without actually having any real plans and assuming inspiration would strike. I gave up during season 5.


I understand that, the whole time skip between seasons is a little odd, mainly with Rayla going off seraching for Viren, despite the obvious fact that he fell to his death from on top of a mountain! While these later seasons may not exactly have the best start, its dealing with some darker themes, such as the desire for power and the price you pay for such power, while it also has themes of love, not just the main pair, but also two adult characters crossing races, sure some may say its woke, but its not handfisted and has a normal relationship with the main two as the youngest of the main trio, is taking a back seat, espiecally in the most resent season as they don't seem to know what to really do with him or the titlar Dragon Prince

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Just watched the first ep s6. Poor Claudia. Poor boyfriend.

Am predicting that Callum sleepy means the secret plan failed and he'll have egg on his face at the end of the journey, so to speak.

Edit - am on ep3. Things have been going slow really.

The whole Callum monologue of the ship not moving is just about Shipping, right? The Callum Claudia ship has been sunk and whatever else, I dunno, I don't really care so much. Move the plot faster!
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Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Finished the season. Am glad if the 7th season is the last.

While cool on the info dump on Aaravos and cool on the rebellion ending (haha) and cool on the redemption (they seriously could have found an injured soldier), I'm dumbfounded at the final spell.

If all the components were there, why bother going through all of everything to begin with? Didn't Viren have everything already? What was the point of everything of it could have been cast at the start? Hex, Vixen would have been more susceptible with the sob story since he's a father.


Wondering bot
Finished the season. Am glad if the 7th season is the last.

While cool on the info dump on Aaravos and cool on the rebellion ending (haha) and cool on the redemption (they seriously could have found an injured soldier), I'm dumbfounded at the final spell.

If all the components were there, why bother going through all of everything to begin with? Didn't Viren have everything already? What was the point of everything of it could have been cast at the start? Hex, Vixen would have been more susceptible with the sob story since he's a father.

Plot convience, but also requiring a price, as Dark magic requires a price for its use unlike elemental magic


Well-known member
While cool on the info dump on Aaravos and cool on the rebellion ending (haha) and cool on the redemption (they seriously could have found an injured soldier),
That still would've required Viren or (worse, from Viren's perspective) Soren to commit murder. Remember that Dark magic needs life to function; the heart would have to be alive when the spell is cast.

If all the components were there, why bother going through all of everything to begin with? Didn't Viren have everything already? What was the point of everything of it could have been cast at the start? Hex, Vixen would have been more susceptible with the sob story since he's a father.
The components weren't all there; they needed the Pearl, which Team Zym managed to keep secure until the attack on Katolis. Callum was too resisting to be a reliable pawn; it was probably all Aaravos could do to confuse him about the decoy.

The original plan probably was to use Viren, but then he died and became uncooperative (sooo hard to get good help these days). The only thing post-timeskip Viren was good for was being leverage for Claudia.

Claudia was single-mindedly focused on her own father; she wouldn't have been fully committed to helping Aaravos until after she'd lost everything (so Aaravos helped her "save" her father, probably knowing full well that he would eventually die anyway).

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Well, an injured, dying soldier willing to give his life up for the city.

Ok, I forgot about the Pearl having to be present. I just remembered Aaravos already talking to Viren through the eye bug. If the spell could have been cast remotely, then no problem.


Continuity Nutcase

Judging from that trailer, it kinda looks like Queen Aanya might be joining the main team of young heroes. Which would be neat as she's a cool character.
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Wondering bot
Well the season out and I just finished watching it:
One point midway through the season, it felt like they were unsure where they were going and the story began to drag a bit with a load of fuff, the actual finally was OK and pretty much leaving the series open ended for a possible sequel, likely set years later as only two major characters actually die in this and one of them is not a pretty way to go out!

The show overall, I would give a 7 out of ten, it has some intersting ideas but its hampered by some poor writing, one of the most intersting ideas is the Star touched elves, being connected to the stars themselves and effectively immortal and any threat they pose can only be delayed with a death, unless its their own kind dealing out the punishment by some means

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Oooooo, it's over?

I've got a backlog to watch (Picard, Skeleton Crew, Dexter, Creature Commandos, What If...) but I'll get to it.


Continuity Nutcase
Oooooo, it's over?
Aaron Ehasz announced at SDCC 2024 that they have a third saga of three more seasons planned (which would make ten seasons total), but development on these three seasons has not been greenlit by Netflix and can only get made if there is enough support from viewers. Otherwise, it all ends here and now.


Wondering bot
Aaron Ehasz announced at SDCC 2024 that they have a third saga of three more seasons planned (which would make ten seasons total), but development on these three seasons has not been greenlit by Netflix and can only get made if there is enough support from viewers. Otherwise, it all ends here and now.

That would explain the open endness of the seventh season

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I have got caught up to the point where I am a few episodes into season 7.


So tired of the Sun elves and their civil war. The brother just wants to rule and is using his prejudices to achieve it. His sister should have never even listen to him. So glad that he is going to die.

Viren's redemption arc was great. Seeing him sacrifice himself to save the people from the dragon attack was epic. Loved seeing his backstory and how he slowly fell down the path of dark magic. I hate that he didn't give the letter to Soren though.

Terry went from I will never leave you to I can't do this anymore really quick. He is still annoying.

Aavoros before season 7, "We have to stop him from getting out! We need to protect the dragons!" After seeing his flashback as a girl dad, "#$@$ them dragons!" He also having blast running around with Claudia and Terry.

Ezran is just being a jerk this whole season and even the show is calling it out. Not too sure that this queen is a good influence on him. I suspect that she might not be what she claims to be. I did like the explanation on how the humans literally used up every single magic thing on their side of the continent in the Mage Wars.

I am wondering what they are going to do with that last sky diamond. Maybe the king that is stuck in the bird?

Looking forward to seeing the end of this.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Ok, so I saw the end of the series/season 7 now. Going to throw up some spoiler tags for it now.

So Sunfire Prince, still being a dick. Has a family to live for, calls his child an heir instead of a child. Thinks of it as another weapon to stab his sister with. Lets the sun orb get used to blot out the sun so he can stab his sister in the back again. Not only is he a traitor, he is an idiot too. Glad he got squashed.

Claudia still doesn't see herself as the bad guy. Wtf? Loved her relationship with Aarovos though.

So now Zym is the last of the Arch dragons? And he can finally talk! Also, totally digging the warp drive!

Ezrhan finally stops being a jerk, and we finally get the dang confirmation of what we have been thinking the entire series. Viren put the King inside the bird! Hopefully that means that we will get the king back if the show ever comes back. The crazy thing is that if the king had been himself, he probably would have survived the attack.

Evrykynd sounds like a cool city. I am sure that they will have got it well on its way when/if this series picks up 7 years later.

Over all, I give this series a solid 8 out of 10. If you like fantasy cartoons, this is a good one and is not too unfriendly for kids.

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