Mainly I'm working my way through Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker. But that's not what this post is about.
My main game right now, and one I really want to plug the hell out of, is Another Code Recollection. I guess it didn't do too well, with its first release because it's been a dead franchise for a while now. I hadn't even given it a second thought until I saw the announcement for this collection. I guess there was a cult following I didn't know about.
In any case, now that it seems to have a second chance at life, I really want to try and spread the word on this game. It's Switch exclusive and it has a demo to try out. Your save on the demo also carries over to the actual game if you decide you like it.
The picture on the left is what you're looking for. If the picture on the right sparks a memory, yes, it's that game. I guess for some reason, NA renamed its original release. But now it's the same name everywhere.