The Flash - CW TV series


Well-known member
Stephen Amell/Green Arrow will be returning in Flash season 9. Alongside the actors for Diggle and Kid Flash.

I'm glad we're getting some sort of Arrowverse send off in the last season. It'd be nice if they could include a handful of the Legends of Tomorrow cast, too. I have NO idea how much of a budget this last season is getting, though. They might not be able to get TOO many people back. But, this all started with a crossover between Arrow and Flash...ending it with another crossover between just these two feels right enough.

Season 9 starts February 8.
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Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I wish they would just make Diggle be a Green Lantern and be done with it. Even if it's only for the final episode.


Continuity Nutcase
It was a nice touch for the final episode of Arrow to include Barry and Kara among the guests who attended Oliver's funeral.


Well-known member
Well, they already "ended" Diggle's Green Lantern storyarc in the Flash last season. They could bring it back again, but I doubt it at this point.

Even though, I feel like they hinted that Diggle had been to Oa and maybe had a few space adventures off-screen in other crossovers in other shows before this. (That might have just been the ring "talking" to him, it's been awhile.) But, whatever. Maybe they'll hint at Justice U...but I don't think that's going to get off the ground, either, at this point.

It would have been neat to have a Green Lantern in the Arrowverse, though. And we even got the Black Lanterns. I think the Ryan Reynolds movie just made the WB executives have NO faith in GL. Which is a shame, because I do really like the mythology.

Now, supposedly, the actor WANTS to continue the Green Lantern story...but in Superman & Lois's world.

And...I don't know, it's possible I guess. But, I think this next season might be that show's last, too. Time will tell, though.
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SHIELD Agent 47

Active member
Season 9 will begin on The CW Wednesday 8 February 2023.



Active member
Netflix has a few DC shows up so I'll watch what they have first before swapping to HBO Max for the rest. I have Titans III on DVD to finish as well. Smallville sort of ruined Arrow for me as I saw him and hated him so likely will skip Arrow.

Super Girl is full up on DVD so may watch it when I buy that set.


Active member
Just read something I missed from Crisis…and my Google fu seems weak with this one.

While reading news about the upcoming Flash film, one article randomly mentioned that Crisis semi confirmed that 89 Bruce and Selina Kyle were implied to be married.

I can’t find a reference to this elsewhere, and am wondering if anyone else caught it and I missed it?


Well-known member
Well, it WOULD HAVE confirmed that, if they had managed to get Keaton as a cameo, but it didn't.

I guess it was mentioned on one of those Crisis Aftermath specials they had with Kevin Smith? It's more of a "could have been" thing.

But, they did make that newspaper and showed it on twitter, though.


But, I don't think it ever showed up in Crisis proper.
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Continuity Nutcase
But... Selina died in Batman Returns.


I’m not dead yet!
Your joking right?

She popped up in the Batman ‘89 movie continuation comic a year back too not that it ties well to anything else other than the two Burton films.


Wondering bot
But... Selina died in Batman Returns.

If I recall correctly, she did yet she didn't either as there was a shot of her at the end of the film, thou I'm not sure how many lives she has left at that point as its been a few years since I last watched that film


Continuity Nutcase
Your joking right?

She popped up in the Batman ‘89 movie continuation comic a year back too not that it ties well to anything else other than the two Burton films.
Continuation comic?


I’m not dead yet!
Here's a link to its Wikipedia page if you hadn't heard about it. It picks up on the original Billy Dee version of Two-Face and a different version of Robin.

But Yeah Selina pops up in the final shot of Returns like Superomegaprime said. I honestly thought you were joking.


Well-known member
There's only 5 episodes left, so I'm seeing this all the way through.

But...yeah. I can't really blame you.

It's been a lot of Khione. We get it. She has nature powers. She's the spring to Frost's winter. Whatever. I just can't bring myself to care about another Caitlin variant this late into the show.

Chester and Allegra's little romance is cute, but not cute enough to really justify the show, either.

Red Death was...a nice idea, on paper, maybe. But, it didn't really amount to much.

I really wish they had spent more time wrapping up the Arrowverse as a whole, rather than focusing on The Flash specifically. It kind of feels dragged out. There's been some fun episodes, but it really just feels like ANOTHER season, rather than the FINAL season.
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Well-known member
Well, the series finale just finished airing.

It was...okay. There were parts I liked and parts that I didn't like so much. I'm not sure this really justified being 4 parts, but the last episode was good enough. It was a very CW finale.

I actually really like getting a bunch of the old season's villains back for one last hurrah. What can I say? I'm a easy mark for that kind of stuff. It's been a LONG time since we've seen Zoom. And it was fun seeing Savitar and Godspeed back, too. Thawne was almost a given. Yeah, sure, having the final villains be all speedsters is kind of uncreative, but kind of fitting for the finale.

Turning Eddie into Cobalt Blue interesting choice, anyway. His villain turn felt forced, but there was literally a higher-dimensional entity trying to control him so...meh? They never did really explain what the deal was with the Cobalt Gem, doesn't have a GREAT backstory in the comics, either, so oh well. *shrug*

The fight between the Legion of Zoom (yes, they really call them that) and Flash's Family was fun. Not the most expertly choreographed series of fights ever or anything. But, still it was fun for what it was. There WAS a lot of powers on display that don't really make a lot of sense, though. And some characters just...being able to absorb Negative Speedforce Energy with NO ill consequences whatsoever. And someone REALLY likes those Speedforce Lightsabers.

Eddie has ANOTHER kind of rushed heel-turn, back into an ally...but there's only half a hour left in the show, they gotta wrap this up. They kind of just leave him in the "purified" Negative Speedforce Dimension. I don't know, I feel like there should have been more to his side of this ending. Showing how he's going to change the Negative Speedforce from within...whatever that would actually mean.

Khione's lecture about the "coexistance of nature" was...INCREDIBLY naive and forced. It had me rolling my eyes. I swear, if ANY other character started talking about thinking they were a GOD, the Flash team would be talking about plans to take them down, but not her. Poochy went back to her home planet. I think they WANTED Khione to be the emotional backbone of this entire season, but they messed up the execution. This entire storyarc has made NO SENSE.

Especially with how Caitlin just...came back. I thought the whole point of Khione was that she WASN'T Caitlin or Frost, but...I guess she was just using their body? *SIGH* Caitlin's character arc in this show has NEVER made sense, so why start now? And if you're bringing back Caitlin, why NOT just bring back Frost, too? What was the point of any of this?

Chester got his "codename" of CHUNK! Again! Did the writers forget that was ALREADY his nickname from his first appearance? Why did they feel the need to give him that codename again? Eh, whatever, his and Allegra's relationship is cute, so I'll forgive it.

We get to see baby Nora get born, and that's probably the most heartfelt moment of the entire episode. Future-Nora cooing and cuddling with her baby-self was adorable.

And Joe...proposes to Cecile. They weren't already married? They have a kid! Huh...I guess...that's right they never DID marry did they? Okay.

And...we get a teaser for a season that will never happen. With Barry giving Avery, Max Mercury, and Jess (the Future State version not the Liberty Belle version) speed tossing a lightning bolt into the air and letting it land on random civilians. I kind of like expanding the Flash Family...but it's a really irresponsible way to leave superpowers up to fate like that.

I DO wish Cisco could have showed up for the finale, but that just wasn't in the cards.

So, yeah. It's uneven. But, that's just CW Flash for you. You take the bad with the good.

Overall, I really liked the Flash series and I'll be a little sad that it's gone. It had it's highs and lows, but I think there WERE highs. I'll miss some versions of these characters. There were some good times to be had. It's the end of a era.

While it wasn't the first CW DC show (that was Arrow), or even the BEST CW DC show (my personal favorite's Legends of Tomorrow), but I think The Flash was maybe the most "homey" of these shows. It really feels like the Flash wanted all these shows to be connected. It was the glue that held this little pocket-universe together. The Flash helped turn the different CW DC shows into a little family, and I appreciate that. And I think I'd recommend this show, even with all it's flaws.
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Continuity Nutcase
Yeah, it was just okay. I do wish it had wrapped up some of the loose ends left over from the other shows, but on the whole, it was just an okay conclusion to simply The Flash rather than the Arrowverse as a whole.


I’m not dead yet!
I'm also disappointed that Cisco got no love at all this season as he was some of the best of the show for a long time. And I was hoping for at least a cameo from some of the Legends cast to know where that went with their cut short finale. Least we know Lisseth Chavez has a stable job on The Rookie keeping her busy.

All said and done though it was an all right finale. And that could be said for a lot of later Flash shows. It really started out great the first few seasons and did peter out as time went on. It felt like the writers had too hard of a time finding a challenge for Barry that wasn't just another speedster. And I'm also sad that some classic rogues never got a great focus unlike Captain Cold and Heatwave did eventually being leads on Legends. That and they did Wally a disservice overall the way they handled him. But between DC in general the last decade and Lonsdale just wanting to do more outside the Arrowverse, which I can't blame him for, it's not really surprising. So the Arrowverse ends. One could hope for continuation projects, but it sounds like there really is no plan but Gunn's moving forward in non comic DC media. I'd be down for a conclusion movie or animated Legends finale.


Continuity Nutcase
I too was surprised that Joe and Cecile weren't already married. I had thought that they had gotten married a long time ago, just with their wedding being off-screen, what with their not only having had a kid but also living together for years. Like, when Cecile said "Finally!", I was like "Yeah, what took so long, writers? Did YOU guys forget that you're own characters weren't married?"

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