The Gun Thread


Eorzean Idiot
Med politely requested that we take the gun talk from the "What made you happy today" thread and move it to it's own discussion. I aim to serve.

First off, let's not make this a gun control vs. 2nd Amendment rights activists thing. That belongs in P&R and the very last thing I want to do is to have to go to P&R. That place is a cest pool and I want nothing of it.

Past that, anything goes (within community rules of course). Guns in Hollywood, guns we own, guns we'd like to own, guns we only wish we could own. In that vein, as of now I own:

Glock 43 - single stack 9x19
Glock 42 - single stack .380 Auto
Glock 19 - double stack 9x19
Glock 23 - double stack .40
Mossberg 500 - 12 gauge

I used to own a Ruger LC 380, but I traded it in to get one of my Glocks.


Eorzean Idiot
Hmm, you type faster than I do, it would seem. Should we request a merge?


Eorzean Idiot
Guns I own

Glock 43 - single stack 9x19
Glock 42 - single stack .380 Auto
Glock 19 - double stack 9x19
Glock 23 - double stack .40
Mossberg 500 - 12 gauge

I used to own a Ruger LC 380, but I traded it in to get one of my Glocks.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
OH hey! Y'all got a thread! That does make me happy!

Also... given the state of the world... I am giving seriously contemplation to getting my weapon license. My brother is going to coming into some hunting rifles soon (via his father in law.), including an absolutely ancient 22 rimfire I actually traded the dude for some ground venison.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Most of my rifles are .22. Don't let anybody tell you there's anything wrong with it.


Eorzean Idiot
I hold fast to the opinion that it's better to have something rather than nothing. Heck, better to have a BB gun rather than nothing.

But when my life is on the line, I personally try to get what power I can get. I have a .380, but I'd really hate to be caught with anything less than my 9mm.

Even then, my father has a saying I tend to keep in the back of my mind. The hand gun is only what you use on your way to getting your shotgun.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Yeah, but do remember: I'm not american. We don't have a culture or fetish for gun violence. My use case would be, at an extreme, supporting my family through hunting. The bat is home defense, the rifle is for stockpiling.


Eorzean Idiot
Well, the most use I've ever gotten out of my guns are at the range. Self defense is the extreme I hope never to see.

It's a case of hope for the best, prepare for the worst. And should the worst happen, I want every advantage.


Eorzean Idiot
It was kinda taking up the happy thread. It's probably best to make it into its own thread.


too old for this
.22s are super fun. Practically no kickback, ammo is about as cheap as ammo gets anymore, and there is a wide variety of guns that shoot them so you can pick what you love.

Personally I'd love to get my hands on a decent lever action rifle. .22 or not, those things are just so much fun.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Even then, my father has a saying I tend to keep in the back of my mind. The hand gun is only what you use on your way to getting your shotgun.

For sure. If I'm home with all my options, I'm probably grabbing my Mossberg. 12 gauge is a show stopper.

I should probably replace that thing when I get the chance though. The forearm is cracked and a little wobbly, and the recoil pad is fossilized. And it probably wouldn't matter indoors, but it has no sights. Not even a bead.


too old for this
Eh, shotties don't need sights. Point in the general direction and let it ride.

I have a few shotguns down in the basement. Including one of the family's prizes, an old Pinkerton shotgun from the horse and wagon days.
I should get something a bit more modern though.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I don't want anything more modern. If I ever replace my Mossberg I will go out of my way to find one that still has wood furniture.

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