
NOT a New Member.
Brawn arrived today.
Brawn - Bot Mode.png


New member
A new seller on Ali Express strated to sell these KO:

Image 1 shows - 1 Step Movie Optimus Prime in yellow, A Legends Class Rodimus in Red and in Blue, a Legends Class Gears in yellow (But I can't ID the white, orange and red figures)

Images 2 shows - 3 Legends Class Starscream in Black, Grey and Yellow, 1 Step Movie Optimus Prime in Blue and in Yellow (and 2 figures I can't ID)

Image 3 shows - 3 Cyber Battalion Megatron in 3 different colors and 3 Legends Class Brawn in 3 Different colors

Does any one recognize the molds I couldn't?


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Well-known member
Dang - that does look really good. Is that the one you mentioned on the previous page?


NOT a New Member.

I just got the Pangu Toys "Snake Eyes" crossover toy and here are my observations:

- Based upon the SS TLK Hotrod.

- Animal parts (head and front paws/claws) are parts-forming accessories. The claws are held in the hands and double as traditional Japanese-style claw weapons and the head pops over the back of the robot head for beast mode (but doesn't seem to be able to store anywhere easily in bot mode).

- MANY accessories, but not all of them can be stored in any of his three modes.

- Most weapons are too tight in his hands (which have wrist swivel but do NOT have 5mm holes) and are very thin plastic, so getting them in and out of his hands is VERY difficult. The large spear-type weapon is very loose and can't be held in his hands.

- His right robot elbow is very loose so he can't even hold his small guns up easily.

- Too many small accessories, so it might be easy to loose them (although they do provide many play/display options).

- The extra weapons and/or pegs for them are very thin and possibly brittle, as the plastic quality feels like their other OSKO Legends figures (Lio Convoy, Cyclonus, etc).

Fake Lies #2.png

Fake Lies Car Mode #1.png

The frustrating transformation to car mode of the original Hasbro toy is compounded by the thin, brittle plastic of the Pangu Toys version. NOTHING will tab correctly and the top of the bonnet at the front barely stays in. It took me around 10 minutes to get it looking like the photos above, so I'll NEVER transform it again.
I think this is a good idea for a toy with lots of play features/options but it's let down by thin plastic, loose joints, tight hand/weapon clearances and a lack of weapon storage. The large amounts of extra car, animal and weapon accessories can also be bewildering. As such, even though I was interested in the animal mode, I didn't bother with it and kept most of the extra parts in the box (never to be used).

I think this figure would have been better with only a few extra weapons (two swords and two guns, for example), which could fold/easily store away in car mode and no animal mode.

In conclusion, just like the other previous "feudal Japan" Pangu Toys figures, this is more of a curiosity/display piece, rather than a robust, pick-up and play figure. Only get this if you're into Japanese or GI-Joe figures, or have a soft spot for the original SS TLK Hotrod mold.

- It seems I'm not the only one that was disappointed by this release.

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There was a company that made multiple KO versions of the Classics seeker mold. CHMS or something like that.

The fact that no one is doing it for the new molds is baffling.


Somehow still sane
It costs a similar amount of manpower and money to reverse engineer Generations and MP molds so given the choice, they’ll go for the MPs.

It’s also probably a factor that Hasbro doesn’t manufacture toys in China anymore and the knockoff people can’t get their hands on the molds anymore.


Staff member
Council of Elders
It’s also probably a factor that Hasbro doesn’t manufacture toys in China anymore and the knockoff people can’t get their hands on the molds anymore.
I was wondering if that might have something to do with it. It was probably a lot easier for them to get their hands on the tooling and go from there than it is now.


Well-known member
I kinda like that. If I saw that at Big Lots I might buy it.

Sadly I never see stuff like that in my area anymore.

Oh yeah, if it had a better combiner head, he'd be pretty much perfect. But I love how the set manages to balance making them look and feel like the Dinobots, while also looking like the typical G1 5-man combiner team at the same time. I'd also like it if the robot modes had a few more elements from their real toys, but still this is fairly impressive overall.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
I love that thing! It's almost perfectly "what if they released a Scramble City Dinobot Combiner in mid-to-late G1." I may have missed it in the video, but did he say where it came from?


Well-known member
I love that thing! It's almost perfectly "what if they released a Scramble City Dinobot Combiner in mid-to-late G1." I may have missed it in the video, but did he say where it came from?

Alibaba/Aliexpress is where he found it, though I've not had any luck finding it.

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