I'm guessing Eliah Kane is still working with the Remnant Empire - and her mission was to make sure Pershing did not give the New Republic any advantages under the guise of "testing" new admittants into the Amnesty program. I wonder if this is the writers attempting to explain how the New Republic had no idea about the Emperor's incipient return.
I like the way they are showing Bo Katan's crisis of faith - or possible return to it - and that despite her history the covert is true to its word and welcoming her back (with the exception of Vizsla of course). I wonder if some of his animosity is him not being fully aware of what Pre Vizsla did. Paz knew to call Bo Katan a Night Owl, so he knows she lead the splinter faction, but does he know that Pre sided with Maul which is what lead to Bo breaking away? Anyway, cool stuff to explore there.
TIE Interceptor prices are going up on Ebay (though it's always been an expensive ship to get considering how few times it's been released).