The sub-plots were great though - the ex-Separatist sabotaging things was a great character idea and well-played by Lloyd. And I totally called that they'd use the transitive property to get BK the Darksaber... (if not here then in a discussion elsewhere... really I did.

) Anyway, wherever I mentioned it, I'm ok with that logic. That being said, I suspect there will be quite a bit more strife between the Merc Mandos and The Way Followers. One of the merc's comments about how their honor is based on getting paid, will not sit well at all - and will likely come back to bite our heroes.
Loved the droid bar. I guess it means C3-PO is a bit of a lush though since his "oil bath" at the Lars' homestead would've been like a hot tub of whiskey? But it really points out a larger thing which is the idea that there must be far more conscious AIs in the Star Wars universe than we know. I imagine the Empire must erase and reboot their droids regularly. That's somewhat supported by Bail Organa's offhanded remark to wipe 3PO back in the day too.