The Orville

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Ok, I finally finished Orville season 3. The eps were so long that I stayed up overnight to watch them.

Other than Lower Decks, Orville was the only Star Trek y show I watched complete. Which of the Star Treks should I watch next?

Friend says Voyager. I hear Deep Space 9 is the best. I'll see what's available in streaming but I'd like a recommendation.


Active member
The 30 part Star Trek Picard was decent. I also watched all of Star Trek Discovery on DVD and the final series of that is coming out.


...even Team Whirl.
Or go back and watch the Orville again because it's *just that good.*

Other than that, my vote is for DS9. I liked it more than Voyager.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
So there's

Voyager 1
Picard 1
DS9 2
Enterprise 1
Prodigy 1

I guess I'm going with DS9. It's ok to watch it without watching Next Gen?


Well-known member
I guess I'm going with DS9. It's ok to watch it without watching Next Gen?
Easily. The first episode grows out of "The Best of Both Worlds," but all you really need to know is covered in the ep: Captain Picard was assimilated by the Borg, the Borg attacked Earth, forty starships and their crews were slaughtered, Picard himself was deemed an innocent victim.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Easily. The first episode grows out of "The Best of Both Worlds," but all you really need to know is covered in the ep: Captain Picard was assimilated by the Borg, the Borg attacked Earth, forty starships and their crews were slaughtered, Picard himself was deemed an innocent victim.
Saw the first ep already and, yeeeeah, I was confused at the start where Picard was a borg, haha.

I'll probably just post in the general Star Trek thread when I get confused at a DS9 ep or a reference. It's going to be a looooong watch, hehe


Well-known member
My Dad and I were worried after the first episode of DS9 that it was going to be all about hunting orbs.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Frankly, depending on how they handled orb hunting, I would not have objected to slightly more of it. If only to help play up the restoration of bajor and its people as a theme for the series.

Another for DS9 but the first season is a bit of a slog. They don't really find their footing till season 2, but there is nowhere to go but up.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I'm halfway through season 1 and there were some eps I really enjoyed like Babylon (loss of language), Passenger (almost murder Mystery) and Move Along Home (the game playing aliens). Odo and OBrien are my faves.

I actually expected the orb stuff to be a recurring thing whenever the wormhole is used but, nope. It's never going to be referred to again?


Well-known member
I just keep seeing the Orville thread move to the top only to find random ST talk. I'd rather it fell off the first page until there's something Orville related (and maybe other discussion in the appropriate threads will drown out the troll). ;)

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Sorry for the earlier thread hijack. I did say I was going to post at the other Trek threads after (though there's no DS9 thread so I went with the classic and next gen thread).

Anyhow, since there was a top five Treks listed there (two Next Gen and three DS9s!) and I never did say what I thought of Orville s3 after staying up late nights just to binge it (darn those movie long eps!), I figure I'd ask and list my own top 5 Orville eps.

1. Identify 1 and 2. I loved the final battle, with the last minute save arrival.

2. Domino. While I hate Charly and her exclusive 4D abilities (for a human? With no augmentations?! Wha?!) the ep was just amazing. Love the alliance of evil at the start and the Kaylons' response. My jaw dropped the first time the weapon was used.

3. Lasting Impression and Twice in a Lifetime. Could they be taken together? Bonus for Bortus and Kylden smoking and Isaac doing the trope of awkward robot pretending to be human on earth, like the bar.

4. Primal Urges. Hahahahhaha!!!! It's so candid! And relatable! Hahahaha!

5. Probably Gently Falling Rain. Lots of surprised and Teleya eps like Krill and Fishes were always cool cuz she's a great character and the actress was compelling.

I'm torn for the fifth cuz there's so many cool one shot scifi eps. The horror Shadow Realms ep was great. Mad Idolatry was great. All the World is Birthday Cake had flaws but was also great. Plus there's the Isaac eps like Happy Refrain, From Unknown Graves (showing kids get murdered! Whoa!).

I wasn't into Electric Sheep cuz no way Isaac would kill himself 'to improve the crew'. Duh, removing himself from the crew would probably doom the crew since Isaac usually saves the day in... 1 out of 5 situations? 6? Wow. It's cool that heroism is distributed among the cast, not just on the shoulders of the usually superior robot Deus ex machina.


Active member
Finally watching the third season and considering all the problems with Topa why doesn't Klyden tell her that he was born female too. Feels like it could have saved some trouble.


Well-known member
I don't think I ever finished season 3. There is more Orville out there for me, but not for most of you.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Klyden is most probably ashamed of that fact.

Hmm, was Bortus mentioned as being born female too? I can't recall anymore.

Btw, I assumed that Data from Next Gen is manufactured in abundance so it was weird to find out (in the s1 Lore episode) that he is practically unique.

Since Isaac of the Orville is from a planet of machine intelligence, I guess the Orville-verse has more advanced technology in that respect compared to Star Trek. Even Star Wars (since they have C3PO and such).

Such a weird thing to find out. Sorta.

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