The Random Transformers Image Thread


Another babka?
I didn't want anyone to die over Beast Machines, I was just too young to really get what it was doing. I wanted to see more adventures with the Beasties cast and BM's major status quo upheaval and more philosophical storyline wasn't really clicking with pre-teen me.

I actually watched it again when I was in uni and I really, really enjoyed it for what it was.
The art was still off-putting though.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Two things: What is with the holes in their chests, and the hug are they all staring at?


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla

Ectotron: Halloween parties for Transformers are awkward. Robots in Disguise in disguise? I never can decide what to go as. A Gobot? A T-800? An anime character? What costume are you going to use, Gigawatt?
Gigawatt: I'm already in costume. I'm going as a Man DeLorean.

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